A question regarding land sales in CN

For planning and discussing issues related to Colonia Nova, Neufreistadt's second sim under the Confederation of the Democratic Simulators.

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Diderot Mirabeau
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A question regarding land sales in CN

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

Hello all

I was just wondering about land sales and -usage in Colonia Nova. When I was part of the original proposal group we envisioned making available for sale functionally specific buildings (thermae, theatre, parts of the praetorium, docks &c.) in the urban concentration as a way of fulfilling the 50/40/10 split between residential, commercial and public land.

Since we've recently been informed that half of the land has been sold I was wondering if it would be possible to do an assessment of the extent to which 'functionally specific buildings' form a proportion of the land remaining to be sold? If it turns out that we haven't managed to sell a single of those buildings then perhaps we should contemplate devising a marketing strategy to communicate the proposition of running a ready made business concept with the potential for expansion and development in a new, beautifully planned and fully developed sim?

I think it's important that we focus on getting these businesses sold as I imagine they can become very powerful drivers in making the community more lively and "in theme".

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Sudane Erato
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Re: A question regarding land sales in CN

Post by Sudane Erato »

[quote="Diderot Mirabeau":qth6k7o9]I was just wondering about land sales and -usage in Colonia Nova. When I was part of the original proposal group we envisioned making available for sale functionally specific buildings (thermae, theatre, parts of the praetorium, docks &c.) in the urban concentration as a way of fulfilling the 50/40/10 split between residential, commercial and public land.
Maybe there's been either a miscommunication here, or else a modification in sales strategy between the development stage you refer to and the land maps that I was provided to parcel and mark for sale.

At the point i got involved in the CN parcelling process, various zones had been established, each carrying their own set of covenant provisions. These were the "C" and "S" parcels within the city walls and the "R", "E", "L", and "B" parcels outside.

None of the parcels that you refer to had been identified with a covenanted zone, nor had the forum, the streets, or the river. It seemed quite clear to me that therefore these locations all fell together into the public zone; an impression which was reinforced when I prepared a spreadsheet of prices and fees which would be attached to the parcels. All of these areas were identified as public on that sheet, and no sale price or monthly fee was attached. The land fees budget for the sim was developed with that analysis, that the public areas would generate no "monthly fee" income.

So, as you've observed, none of those parcels have been sold :). The "more than 50%" statistic which you've seen is based on "sellable land", and, I would say that now the figure is more like 75%.

The budget for CN *does* balance with the current distribution of income/non-income generating land. We are quite close to that balance point. Of course, more income is always better. But if we wish to proceed and sell some of the public buildings, we should very carefully set our terms for such sales, since, basically, we can afford to do so.


Diderot Mirabeau
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Re: A question regarding land sales in CN

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

Sudane thanks for enlightening me on this issue. Undoubtedly the difference in principle regarding the use of the functionally specific, themed buildings is due to a conscious decision being made somewhere during the project planning or execution of which I'm not aware due to my largely apathetic role in relation to the building of CN.

If everybody and the economy is happy that we're not selling the functionally specific themed buildings then perhaps instead the discussion ought to be how we involve the citizenry in unfolding the potential of these public buildings.


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