[quote="Gxeremio Dimsum":3mc68yyb]I understand what you're saying, but democratic processes include revision based on public opinion, not just what the first action of said democracy is.[/quote:3mc68yyb]
It does not make any sense to base the "revision" of something only just created on [i:3mc68yyb]exactly the same public opinion[/i:3mc68yyb] as was considered and rejected when it was decided to create it, and to do so before the system has had a chance to test itself in practice. That is not democracy: it is lunacy.
[quote:3mc68yyb]That was my suspicion about your belief. The effect of your plans carried to fruition, I think, will be to scare off everyone from the CDS who doesn't agree to YOUR coercion. For you see, it is much easier and less costly to leave the CDS than any RL country.[/quote:3mc68yyb]
You have repeatedly claimed that a functioning judicial system with enforcable rulings will scare people off, yet have never produced any evidence whatsoever to substantiate this bald assertion. Indeed, as I have pointed out, so far, not a single person has ceased to become a citizen as a result of our judicial system. Conversely, at least [b:3mc68yyb]a tenth[/b:3mc68yyb] of our population are here as a consequence of our judicial system. You know because, as many of them later told me, you checked with them yourself. We now have an entire thriving subcommunity of lawyers that we did not have before at all. What is seriously putting off people is the constant uncertainty and instability (and, in many cases, malicious and unpleasant tactics, not from you personally, but from others) used by oponents of the judiciary in this debate. Despite all your claims, therefore, that the judicary will deter people, all the evidence points to the judiciary attracting people, and the opponents of the judiciary deterring people.
[quote:3mc68yyb]A key difference between a private judiciary in the CDS and the Superior Court of Second LIfe is being part of a comunity of people who want such things to succeed.
As I have said before, your system has no real means of enforcing its decisions other than the esteem with which the participants hold the system. So build some esteem by testing it out privately before you try to force it down our throats.[/quote:3mc68yyb]
As I have written many times before, being banished from the CDS is a non-trivial punishment for many, and so it can indeed enforce its orders. What you do not seem to understand is the fact that, if something cannot enforce its orders, it is not a judiciary at all. Having a nation entails having a legsilature, executive and judiciary. If one does not have all of those in some form or another, one is not a nation. If we are a nation, we have to have a judiciary that has enforcable outcomes. It is utterly absurd to have laws without a judiciary to interpret and enforce them.