[quote="Beathan":3v3kc4hy]The way you are describing juries, there will be an inherent cultural bias on juries. If we only sit juries based on comparable timezone, then we will have juries of Americans (to the exclusion of others; of Europeans (to the exclusion of others); of Japanese and Koreans (to the exclusion of others). This strikes me as a problem. The way to avoid this problem is to disregard timezone. This strikes me as a problem.[/quote:3v3kc4hy]No more so than in any RL jurisdiction where the jury is exclusively American, European etc etc. Unless you think that jury trials in all RL jurisdictions have an 'inherent cultural bias'.
[quote:3v3kc4hy]However, I don't think that we should necessarily rule out juries, even though I think that they will prove unworkable. We should test them in SL, just like we should test all possible procedures in SL, before we accept or reject them.[/quote:3v3kc4hy]I'm glad we agree they should be given a chance. I think they will prove to be workable and valuable. But the proof will come, as with everything, with what happens in practice.