[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":3f4tcy2v]
And do you think that anybody will take any notice? Look at it this way: if we were not a democracy with a judiciary, but just a group of people with a common interest sharing a sim, would we not want to ban people who had, for example, defrauded our citizens elsewhere? Why should we allow such people onto our territory?
Because we don't [i:3f4tcy2v]know[/i:3f4tcy2v] that they've been defrauded. Most griefer cases are very simple; if there's a hundred banana-phones filling the Platz, and they all have the name of a certain avatar, it's an open-and-shut case.
A business deal, not necessarily, and if it doesn't directly involve the CDS I don't see it as [i:3f4tcy2v]our[/i:3f4tcy2v] business. It is not the responsibility of this co-operative to protect fools and the unfortunate in the whole of Second Life. Your position is much the same as saying we can ban someone who is a neighbor to a CDS citizen on the mainland for violating covenant there. After all, if they built a giant plywood penis there, surely they might do so here!
To be sure, if a non-CDS citizen wishes to pay the fee and place their case before us, that's acceptable and something I wish to encourage. Otherwise, I'm unwilling to ban someone from our sims simply because (a) a citizen wishes to file a case and (b) the other party can't be bothered to show up, leaving us with only the word of that citizen.
The Lindens may have expanded the size of the banlist, but they didn't expand it to quite that extent.
'course, I'm not a judge, and if you wish to lay more work on yourself, it's not my place to deny that. I'm arguing solely on principle.
Member of the Scientific Council and board moderator.