[quote="Beathan":r0lovc6m]First, you yourself have admitted that you came to the CDS for the purpose of testing your theory of justice system development in virtual worlds. You are as much an experimenter as an organizer.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
That is not what I have said, as you well know. I came to SecondLife to impliment something practical, to use my real-life legal skills and experience to bring a working justice system to this virtual world to let it solve real problems.
[quote:r0lovc6m]Futher, it is unfair to say that your opponents are interested in the process rather than the results[/quote:r0lovc6m]
Then how do you explain Aliasi's comment likening the CDS to a research facility? In any event, experimenters are not interested in experimentation because they enjoy the process of experimenting: they are after results, too, but the results of an experiment are very different sorts of results than the results that one looks for when one seeks to apply a system closely based on systems that work in real-life to solve problems immediately in the virtual world.
[quote:r0lovc6m]Most of the debate concerning your justice system indicates that the opposite is true.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
How? What, precisely, do you contend indicates that I am not interested in results?
[quote:r0lovc6m]We are as much organizers and experimenters. We just use a different organizing principle (simplicity and incremental growth, rather than the creation of "over-engineered" complicated systems) -- and just want a different experimental set-up (a simple, bare-bones one that allows for growth).[/quote:r0lovc6m]
The organising principle that I use is to get it right first time, based on what we know from real life, rather than ignoring all of our knowledge and assuming that things that will obviously be the same in SecondLife may somehow be different. And you make the mistake of assuming that all of the "experimenters" think like you: you may not even be an experimenter in the sense that I described above, but somebody who believes, against all sanity, that an oversimplified system can actually work, although what problems, exactly, you see it as solving is most unclear, since you have never set out your vision of exactly what you see our justice system as doing, long-term.
[quote:r0lovc6m]The sticking point is not that some people want to experiment, while others want to create a stable system and then move on to other, better things. The sticking point is that, having seen the details of your experimental justice system, a sizable number of CDS citizens do not want to participate in it.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
The problem is that people are never going to agree on what sort of legal system that they want. That will always be true, whatever sort of legal system is adopted. Nothing that you suggest is capable of solving that issue. In any given real-life legal system, there are sizable numbers of people who do not want to take part in it: usually those who are about to lose a case. I should also suggest that a substantial number of those who dislike our present system do so because they would prefer a system in which their vision of what a legal system should be can be expressed, or in which they get a chance to do something interesting (such as be a judge), without actually having to do the serious work of getting to understand a legal system, or taking a qualification test.
The reality is that law is like medicine: to do it properly takes a great deal of skill and understanding. One can go some way towards that by fumbling around, trying to find what works: the lawyers of old were like the doctors of old in that respect. As understanding of how behaviour-rule (and rule-rule) interactions work grows, so to does the understanding of how best to do law, and the practice changes as a result. Just like the practice of medicine, the practice of law becomes more sophisticated, more functional, but, at the same time, harder to understand from the outside. Those who are advocating "simple" law (as if law could ever be truly simple, any more than effectively treating a patient could ever truly be simple) are advocating a "let's all join in and see how this law thing works" system, whereas those advocating a professional system are advocating a system that works and is built on the solid premises of legal practice that have developed in real-life nations accross the world over centuries. Those who want to go back to the beginning and start again are advocating the equivalent of building a hospital and staffing it with witch-doctors, or curious members of the public interested to experiment for themselves on how to operate on people.
[quote:r0lovc6m]We want to test out an operational justice system in this virtual world as much as you do -- we just don't want to test out yours because we think that is unworkable, overly labor-intensive, cumbersome, formal in just the wrong ways, too prone to incorporate things we see as defects in RL justice systems, and not at all friendly, familiar or comfortable to people who aren't British. This does not make us dilettantes. This makes us unwilling guinea pigs in your social experiment.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
That amounts to nothing more than "I don't like it this way, and if I can't have it my way, I'll leave, so you'd better do it my way". That is extremely immature. We have, as I have pointed out elsewhere, two groups of people, each claiming that their model is workable, and that the other's is not. We have a democratically elected government that, after long and carful debate, chosen one of the two models over the other, albeit in ways that involved substantial compromises on both sides. It strikes me that a goodly number of people who want an alternative system want it whether or not the current system is workable, so that they can enjoy working in a system that is based on their own ideas. Since I have already, officially sanctioned by the legislature, put an enormous amount of work into the present system, why should your model suddely be favoured now when the only work that you have done here is destructive, not constructive?
[quote:r0lovc6m]We are willing to engage in the social experiment -- we just ask that the test be done differently.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
You are willing to participate in this democracy - only if it does exactly what you want it to do?
[quote:r0lovc6m]We want to start simple -- with clear, sure rules that don't beg any substantive or procedural questions -- and then build on that basis from our experience of the system as we try to run it. We want you to participate with us -- as a colleague -- not as an overlord or string-pulling experimenter. [/quote:r0lovc6m]
Why do you think that a judge is an "overlord"? This is the vacuuous argument that you make inceccently without reason in support. Do you even understand the difference between judicial independence and judicial power? And why do you want to forget all of the lessons that legal systems in the first life have learnt over centuries, almost all of which are necessarily relevant to legal systems here, too, by virtue of not being dependant on their environment being real, rather than virtual, and start again at the witch-doctor stage of legal development?
[quote:r0lovc6m]The difference is not that we want the anarchy of trying to live our lives as an undefined experiment. The difference is that we don't want to settle issues that affect how we live our lives prematurely -- and we want to make up our own minds about how things should work, rather than take your word for gospel that your system is the way to go.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
It is a wholly unsubstantiated assertion that you claim that the present judicial system settles anything "prematurely": why, precisely, is this not exactly the right time to settle such issues as how to effect service, or what evidence should be admissible, or what to do if a non-citizen brings an action, or what powers that a court has to order that one of the parties makes its position clearer?
[quote:r0lovc6m]The discussion we should have is: 1. what is the absolute minimum we need to get a basic dispute resolution structure up and running; 2. what do we need to add to this minimalist structure to allow it to incorporate lessons learned in its running into its structure, to allow it to become more complex over time as it learns from its experiences (or as we learn from our experiences of it); and 3. what resources or proven institutions do we have in place already that we can use as building blocks or levers in this project.
I think that this draws the true distinction between our citizens -- 1. those who see some basic rules as the skeleton and basic muscular system of a thing, allowing it to move and grow, and 2. those who insist that an institution be fully formed as a precondition of its being used or useful. This is not a difference in goal -- but is a difference in theory.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
"The discussion we should have is...": now who wants to be an overlord? Why do you assume that it is best to have the merely minimal? Why should we have minimal law, but not minimal finances, or minimal accountancy practice, or minimal social events, or minimal thematic decoration, or minimal differences in theme? If we can have something that is more than merely minimal, why should we not have that? If one is being offered a Rolls Royce for free, why would one want a rickshaw? (Incidentally, for reasons that I have given before, your system is far, far below what is minimially necessary to have a functioning legal system: you seem to think that your arbitration practice, that can only possibly work because it is set against the background of a proper set of court procedures that are clearly enough defined that parties know what procedural advantages that they might have in court, and can therefore agree to arbitrate on the same level of advantages, and only deals with civil cases; I note that you have no experience in criminal cases, which will be the bulk, effectively, of our workload: I deal with about three criminal trials every week).
[quote:r0lovc6m]However, I think that history favors the proponents of the simple, bare-bones approach here. Every great institution started as a bare-bones structure. The creation of fully-formed institutions is a new thing in our post-industrial age -- and most of us believe that the new fully-fleshed institutions that have been created have more than a whiff of sulphur and the appearance of the monster about them.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
"Most of us"? What is your evidence that a majority of the 65-or-so strong CDS population believes that comprehensive instituitons ought not be created by people with extensive experience of working in just such institutions in the first life? Indeed, what about SecondLife bears that out at all? SecondLife culture in general is based on the sophisticated, post-industrial cultures of its users: we did not start in the SecondLife stone age in 2003 and progress towards the SecondLife iron age at the end of 2006. Culture, the arts, architecture, all entered SecondLife fully-formed, and fully informed from the firstlife from which it was drawn.
Whilst it might be a quaint notion, therefore, from an anthropological point of view that we are somehow a blank canvas to start with our culture all over again, the reality is that we are not, and that applies just as much to law and government as it does to anything else. Indeed, if that were not so, how on earth do you think that we could have a democracy of the sort that only arose in history for brief periods during the ancient empires of Greece and Rome, and not again until the 19th century?
[quote:r0lovc6m]Laws arose from custom. Lawmaking arose from transmission of custom. Justice systems arose from the basic method of social control that gave the mores and customs of a society some teeth. This is a natural and proper way to create the laws and justice system without prejudging what it will or should be. [/quote:r0lovc6m]
This is bald assertion. You merely assume, without even attempting to provide reasons (evidently demanding that all who read what you write take you as a higher authority on the point, and defer to you uinquestioningly) that, merely because, in ancient lands in the mists of time, laws arose from custom (because people had not invented writing, or devised any other ways for laws to arise), that that is the only way of them being done here. The reality is that we know far more about how law works, how humans and their institutions work, and how to make those institutions work, than did the ancient lawgivers of the prehistoric periods to which you wistfully refer. Suggesting, for the sake of quaintly watching legal customs emerge from scratch (as if they ever could in the same way when the people who make up the society already know about how sophisticated legal systems operate, just as old medical practices that people now know to be worse than useless could not have arisen in any socieity where people know this fact), that we forget all that we know about how to make law work, and assume mock-ignorance for the sake of those who would like us to be like ants in a glass tank for them to watch is not a preference for workability, and something that will solve real problems in SecondLife: it is a preference for a fantasy, but not the fantasy of the role-players proper, but of the most dangerous sort: that of which the fantasiser has convinced himself is real.
[quote:r0lovc6m]All we have to do is look at the post-Imperial experience of most colonies to see that it is unwise to halt this process by imposing a more "advanced" (or at least more complicated) system from abroad. Africa is a mess. Africa is a mess because of the imposition of European government and legal structure, not despite that imposition. [/quote:r0lovc6m]
Are you honestly suggesting that developing a sophisticated legal system in SecondLife is like colonising Africa? Are you seriously suggesting that a society composed of people all of whom live in nations with sophisticated legal systems has any meaningful parallell with the imposition of such systems literally by force on people with a very differnet background? This is more evidence of your bizarre and frankly extremely worrying virtual stone-age delusion.
[quote:r0lovc6m]We have our customs and mores in SL and in the CDS. We have our mechanisms for teaching those customs to newbies. We have our mechanisms for making sure people respect those customs. This is the basis of law, lawmaking, and a justice system.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
More bare assertion without reasoning. Again, do you expect people to defer to you unquestioningly as a higher authority on the point?
[quote:r0lovc6m]I agree that we should try to formalize this process -- to bring it into focus so that we can examine, understand, and control it, if nothing else. The CDS, through its formal lawmaking by the RA, has taken this formalization process further than I have ever seen it done anywhere else (in SL or in any other MMOG I have played). I agree, as do most of the citizens, that we should try to do the same with our justice system (enforcement of custom system). However, where I (and many others) part company from you is in your insistence that we start with a fully-formed beast, a beast that steps in and replaces (I would say usurps or hijacks) the emerging process of custom enforcement that is already here in the CDS (and in SL as a whole). Rather, I (and many others) want to determine what we have, and make it better, make it more formal, make something of it -- rather than replace it with something foreign (and wrong for being foreign) to SL. Anything from RL will be foreign to SL in just this wrong way.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
Why do you assume that? Do you have any real [i:r0lovc6m]evidence[/i:r0lovc6m] to support what is, essentially, an empirical, psychological claim? If so, what is it? If not, how can you honestly claim that?
[quote:r0lovc6m]This is why I think we should repeal the JA and start the process over by reforming, incrementally, the SC. In doing this reform, I would not oppose the inclusion of professionals, like Ash (and like me), in the process. I think that such inclusion would be both helpful and wise. However, I think that the inclusion of professionals should not be to the exclusion of amateurs -- just because that is not how things are done in SL or any other MMOG. To a large extent, we leave our lives behind when we come to SL, and we create new lives here on and through SL. This is how it should be -- and any system that does not allow for this changing or reforming of self in play, or stifles or suppresses it, does not fit a critical aspect (some would say [i:r0lovc6m] the critical aspect [/i:r0lovc6m]) of virtual culture. It is this lack of fit between the JA and the MMOG (and SL) experience that is the greatest source of tension -- and legitimate tension. It is this lack of fit that damns the JA as a misstep and mistake in our attempt to do something real and good in the development of online society and government.[/quote:r0lovc6m]
You grossly misconcieve SecondLife soceity, and in part because you
unthinkingly conflate it with the soceity of "massively multiplayer online games", of which SecondLife is most certainly not an example. Your essential argument is "We should not have a professional legal system because people in SecondLife want to roleplay things that they do not do in real life". In the context of what we are (or at least, some of us are) trying to do with the CDS, that is utterly misconceived. We are not here to play at being a government: we are here to [i:r0lovc6m]be[/i:r0lovc6m] a government, and not because it is fun to be a government, or we want to learn what it is like to be in a government, but because we (or, at least, the organisers among us) believe that a government in SL is a good way of solving the practical problems that people in SL face when doing whatever it is that they do when they come to SecondLife. As Gwyneth has pointed out on many occasions in her celebrated 'blog, SecondLife is unique because people come to SecondLife to do, very often, [i:r0lovc6m]the same things as they do in real life[/i:r0lovc6m]: journalists write, computer programmers script, businesspoeple run businesses, artists make textures, and lawyers, increasingly, practice law.
The whole point of having law or government is not for the sake of governnment or law itself for people to play-act in, as you wrongly suggest when you write:
[quote:r0lovc6m]...to a large extent, we leave our lives behind when we come to SL, and we create new lives here on and through SL. This is how it should be -- and any system that does not allow for this changing or reforming of self in play, or stifles or suppresses it, does not fit a critical aspect (some would say [i:r0lovc6m] the critical aspect [/i:r0lovc6m]) of virtual culture, [/quote:r0lovc6m]
but to create, practically and usefully, an environment where others can live out their SecondLives more harmoniously and profitably because conflcits are prevented or resolved effectively.
SecondLife has a thriving economy: there are real and substantial commercial interests here. Good law is vital for commerce to flourish properly: it is only able to do so to the extent that it is doing now because some sorts of fraud are rendered impossible by the software, but that is limited. Law will allow more sophisticated transactions, and could help to foster the growth of a thriving services industry. The commercial interests who need a stable, efficient, tested, workable legal system most certainly do not want it run by amateurs who have come to SecondLife to play at being lawyers or to learn about law: they want it run by professionals who know how to solve legal disputes precisely and efficiently, and they want to be able to be represented by lawyers who will act in their best interests.
Law in SecondLife is about helping other people to enjoy their SecondLives without worrying about unresolvable conflict, not living out a fantasy of being a lawyer. That is where the experimenters, as you most certainly are, having nailed your colours firmly to the mast in the quote above, are seriously short-sighted and parochial, and why, even if the experimenters come to dominate in the CDS, the organisers will win the day on the wider grid. The question for the CDS is: do we want to be pioneers in organising things so that people's SecondLives can be enhanced, or do we want to be left behind in an isolated government role-play sim?
Finally, I note that you repeatedly make bald and sweeping assertions about how virtual culture should be: what makes you the ultimate authority on virtual culture such that you think that you are in a position to make claims of this nature, and, without any reasoning in support of them, demand that everybody agree with you? As well as your stone-age delusion, do you also have a diety delusion?