I've [url=http://secondlife.com/events/event.php? ... 0:1i4m7pa0]posted an event[/url:1i4m7pa0] for hosting another repeater for Cory Linden's Town Hall meeting at 2:30 PM SLT today (Dec 20th), on Colonia Nova's Amphitheatrre
Here goes the blurb:
[quote:1i4m7pa0]Is the Pooley stage too busy for you, and you'd like to listen in to a Repeater and have a nice friendly chat over the Cory Linden's words? Well, consider visiting us at Colonia Nova, a Roman-themed sim, where we'll meet at the Amphitheatre... and promise not to throw you to the lions
Togas are optional but welcome [/quote:1i4m7pa0]