Improved Land Information for Colonia Nova

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Sudane Erato
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Improved Land Information for Colonia Nova

Post by Sudane Erato »

Unhappily I must report that there will be further unforeseen delays in the deployment of our new Land Management system. Because the land information situation for Colonia Nova has gotten to crisis proportions, we've installed new land information tables for CN on the website, equivalent to what we now have for NFS.

I am incredibly grateful to Flyingroc and Gwyn for implementing this so quickly. I got the source table generating process done last night, and this morning the tables are on line!!

All of the land information for both sims is now available under the Services tab on the Neufreistadt website. Here are the specific pages:

NFS Land
CN Land
NFS Land Fees
CN Land Fees

This should go a long way to alleviating the information crisis regarding CN land.

If you own land on both sims, please remember that the data for each sim is entireley separate here. When monthly fee payment time comes, please check *both* tables.

I'll be emailing this info to everyone as well, so that its as widely available as we can manage.


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