Virtual animals & pets

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What would you like to see?

An eagle circling the NFS clouds, Schloss and MoCA.
A (agressive) rat in CN's cloaca.
I know something better ...
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It's a bad idea because of the scripts or another reason.
It's a bad idea because it will get boring before you know it.
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Virtual animals & pets

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

During Saturnalia's silly fight Aliasi rezzed an eagle.
I was really surprise by how good it looked.

Wouldn't it be a nice addition to have an animal in the sims?
Or has this been proposed before?

(I voted eagle, though I realise it may be technically difficult to realise ..
Also I believe animals should be placed in places/altitudes that aren't too clearly visible to prevent boredom)

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Sudane Erato
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Post by Sudane Erato »

From time to time I've rezzed my Fairchang crows in NFS. I agree, they're a wonderful addition... they add a lot of character to the environment.

The problem is that the good animals often contain a substantial number of prims (I think the crows and seagulls are 21 prims). The parcels on both sims are quite small, and if one of the birds lingers over a full-of-prims parcel for more than a few seconds, it gets returned.

For this reason, the rats in the cloaca are a better idea, since the cloaca exists entirely on public land in CN, so it won't be become a prim load on random privately owned parcels.

But the birds would be much nicer. I mean, after all, we routinely spend time in the open environment of the sim. The cloaca is a "special" excursion :).


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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

I think something like this could work really well in Colonia Nova along the river and then perhaps in a lazy circle that went up the street outside the wall, towards the forum and back down the main street.

I would caution that the MoCA is already tight on space given the nature of the build so we may very well be close to the limit when our exhibits are in place.

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Post by Sudane Erato »

[quote="Chicago Kipling":3o181flg] I would caution that the MoCA is already tight on space given the nature of the build so we may very well be close to the limit when our exhibits are in place.[/quote:3o181flg]
Sorry to depart from the point of this thread, but it should be noted that the MoCA joins other public buildings and areas in NFS in participating in the NFS "Prim Management System", a bill passed by the RA earlier this year. This means that these parcels all share prims, with use being shifted from one area to another as needed.

We now see an example of the need. Because of the Christmas season, the Platz has been loaded up with a large number of prims, taking up most of the NFS public land prim reserve. We were so close, in fact, that I shifted some of the "For Sale" properties temporaily into the City Prim bank. If, now, at this moment, the MoCA were to mount a prim-intensive exhibit, we would encounter the problem of returns.

The system is mandated, but administration was never properly set up, and I take responsibility for that, since I did propose the system and saw it passed. But, set up or not, we must be conscious of theis problem, and plan accordingly. Should the MoCA exhibit begin to get set up, we'll have to make sure that the Christmas decorations come down.

Hopefully, a more predictable system can get established. The concept is mandated and in place. We just need some proper scheduling.


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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[quote="Sudane":28favyfu]The problem is that the good animals often contain a substantial number of prims (Seagulls are 21 prims).[/quote:28favyfu]

A rat should be able to be designed with half of that I think .. Right?
Also I believe that it would be good to keep it to 1 animal, an overdose of vermin will get boring.

[quote="Sudane":28favyfu]The parcels on both sims are quite small, and if one of the birds lingers over a full-of-prims parcel for more than a few seconds, it gets returned.[/quote:28favyfu]

- Would it be possible to let a bird only fly over public space? (but multiple parcels) Or would that get boring since the bird would fly only over the roads?
- Or would it be difficult to script it in such a way that it would only fly on public space? Well, *more* difficult probably.

[quote="Sudane":28favyfu]For this reason, the rats in the cloaca are a better idea, since the cloaca exists entirely on public land in CN, so it won't be become a prim load on random privately owned parcels.[/quote:28favyfu]

Hm hm. I thought it would be nice if a CN visitor, who's *too* curious (visiting the cloaca) would be surprised with a rat :-) Perhaps chasing the visitor out of the cloaca :-)

[quote="Chicago":28favyfu]... in Colonia Nova along the river and then perhaps in a lazy circle that went up the street outside the wall, towards the forum and back down the main street.[/quote:28favyfu]

Would that mean that a rat would be 'circling' in an exact circle? Like some of those fish/dolphins do?
Would that be a boring repetitive motion?
Wouldn't it be cool to let such a rat, scurry around randomly (searching for food??). It wouldn't be easy to script .. but with some group effort it would be do-able.[/quote]

- - - -
Argggh I'm over using certain English words .. :-/ 'scuse me for that! :D

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I'd like to see some AI creatures...

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

I wouldn't mind seeing a Svarga or AI type sparse sim some day.
Eagle and rat sound great, but I'd really be interested in a "Whoing" CDS owl flying here and there.

In fact, I'd like that single owl to fly both in NFS and CN. Ideally it would also teleport to the mainland and to random private islands with a banner clutched in its talons billowing behind kinda like an ad behind a plane.

So FRC, can one of those be cooked up or am I just hallucinating again?

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Re: I'd like to see some AI creatures...

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

I used to have the Wolfhaven Animated Eagle soar above the Natasha Waterfall in Sutherland but it worked really badly for me compared to the other animals I have in the Waterfall Garden Collective: Bats, firebugs, butterflies, fish, owls and Laukosargos Birds.

For example it would soar both day and night rather than return to its nest to rest like other properly programmed animals would do. Furthermore, it would often get stuck inside land (I had it soaring alongside a cliffside) and would stay there prompting the nest to rezz another eagle eventually draining a lot of the prims off the land. I have seen this similar behaviour exercised by the same eagle at another waterfall I visited. Finally, it is not temp-on-rezz which would otherwise have neutralised the negative effects described by Sudane. The Laukosargos birds are temp-on-rezz, which means they do not drain the prim allocation of parcels and by my experience they simply work better.

I would therefore not recommend acquiring an eagle in so far as it entails getting a copy of the Wolfhaven one.

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