At one of the recent CDS Traders' Association meetings we decided to request a dedicated sub-forum. This was (briefly) granted until the SC recalled a previous decision that NGOs would not be granted sub-forums. I can see the rationale for this, otherwise there would be a multiplicity of sub-fora. But, having CDSTA threads in 'General', 'Events' etc isn't helpful.
I'd like to propose that we have a 'Business, Commerce and the Economy' sub-forum with the strapline 'Forum to discuss business matters, commerce and the economy of the CDS'. This would be a place where the CDSTA could put all of its notices and carry on its discussions but also serve a wider purpose in that citizens (and interested non-citizens) would be able to discuss matters related to business and the economy in a dedicated sub-forum.
What do others think? If I understand the forum tools correctly I could probably set this up myself now, but I'd like some feedback from other forum users (and hopefully from some other SC members) before going ahead and setting it up.