Since Beathan brought this up in the SP forum, I do want to begin to bring up this topic here. In November I and Moon Adamant proposed two bills to reform the Guild. The model we used is the SPC, the group that designed and built Colonia Nova. The proposed bill and amendment are here:
The second bill is something that even a member of the simplicity party might appreciate. As I understand it, the CSDF's main disagreement with Pel and the DPU is on what to do about the current Guild. He wants to retain it as an organization but without its technical or design responsibilities.
Our proposal makes the new Guild a publicly chartered organization and removes it as a branch of government. It remains public because it retains several critical responsibilities to the CDS:
1. To continue to organize the process of planning and implementing new themed sims with widespread citizen participation.
2. To provide technical advice and help to the Chancellor.
3. To provide a means for CDS citizens to gain design skills and education in exchange for their work on CDS public projects. This does not preclude additional programs for attracting citizens with critical skills.
The Guild does not need to be an official branch of government to carry out these duties, and in fact, like the SPC, it can do a better job if it functions as a voluntary agency apart from the politics of the RA and the executive.
Moon and I, CSDF members of the RA, identify ourselves primarily as builders and designers. (Moon is successful at making her RL living designing and building in SL.) Unfortunately with Colonia Nova now up and running, the CDS does not provide a space or resources that is comfortable or attractive for building and design. We need to make it a priority to change this.
PS. In case you are wondering my own builds in CN include the bridge, the aqueduct, four roofs for larger structures, four "domas" homes along the cardo (across from the amphitheater), and a villa. The whole team did a wonderful job. But there is still more to do in both NFS and CN.