Am I missing something?
I have read over CARE's platform -- and the transcript of the meeting -- and I can't find a single substantive proposal in either of them except the proposal to retain a professionalized legal system. The rest seems like rhetorical puffery.
Specifically, I see nothing that addresses civil rights or the UDHR or that proposes any way to promote, create or protect equality among our citizens. Where are the rights, and the equality, in the platform of this party nominally dedicated to rights and equality? The words were also mentioned in the transcript only when stating the name of the party. This is a telling silence.
I am left with the feeling that I have just read of bunch of Chinese Communist Banners -- nice images, but no substance, leaving an interested observer with an uneasy worry that danger and oppression is lurking in the moving shadows of the marching signs.
I do see a rather complicated, and over-elaborated, conception of how to govern CARE -- but very little on how to govern the CDS. It makes me think of governments that are identical with parties -- not exactly models that worked well iRL or that inspire confidence as examples in SL.
However, at the risk of restating an earlier point, the scariest thing for me is that the words "Rights" and "Equality" appear in the party name, but nowhere in the platform or discussion -- and "Fairness" is equated with professionalised elitism in the administration of justice. That does not seem right at all.
I was rather hoping that CARE, somewhere in its platform or manifesto or party meeting, would answer Jon's simple question that began this post. If this was an oversight, I hope it will be corrected soon. We all wait with bated breath to see if this new party that wants to guide our state and our futures in SL will respect our human rights.
Without such assurance, I think that CARE is misnamed -- and the acronym should be recast, as I suggested earlier, as "Continue the Ashcroftian Road to Empire" -- or, perhaps, in light of CARE's governance structure, as "Consular Administration Regresses to Empire". On the other hand, perhaps CARE stands for nothing other than "Citizens’ Alliance for Rights and Equality" -- in which case, not standing for either rights or equality, it should be renamed the "CA" Party.
Let's keep things simple enough to be fair, substantive enough to be effective, and insightful enough to be good.