Delegate Anzere infohub maintenance to CDS Traders?

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Post by Dianne »


Apologies for thinking that you had turned off the scripts. I am not *blaming* you, merely stating the fact that nothing will work without scripts turned on. In that I know there are other hubs that are "caretaken" by other SL groups that have scripts turned on, I assumed it was the caretaker of the hubs choice one way or the other.

It seems nuts that we can't have scripts turned on and I imagine it must be possible since I have seen other hubs have them (although not recently).

I don't know why I can't move, edit or return objects at the hub I just know I tried it several times and it didn't work. I had my group set to "Land Vertlung" or whatever it is, I checked with the objects properties that they also were belonging to that group and it simply didn't work. I am pretty sure I reported this at the time.

I had been there several times with my group title on when there were griefers about ressing all kinds of crap at the hub and was not able to do a simple return of objects.

[i:2wml37zt]My main point is that I am ready and willing to do all the work necessary to maintain the hub for [b:2wml37zt]free[/b:2wml37zt] [/i:2wml37zt](never having been paid a dime to do anything for the CDS this is normal for me ;) ), [i:2wml37zt]if someone would just make it work. [/i:2wml37zt]

Those that know me, know that I can't script worth a damn and that I am not the most technically minded person. I don't know *why* it doesn't work, it just doesn't. If someone wants to fix that part or show me what the heck I am doing wrong, I will take it from there.

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

It seems nuts that we can't have scripts turned on and I imagine it must be possible since I have seen other hubs have them (although not recently).

Actually, a lot of hubs that had them on have had them off, I imagine as an anti-griefing measure - I occasionally do a random pop in of a few infohubs. In Anzere's case, the entire sim is set to no-script, so it may be a sim-wide setting in our case.

I don't know why I can't move, edit or return objects at the hub I just know I tried it several times and it didn't work. I had my group set to "Land Vertlung" or whatever it is, I checked with the objects properties that they also were belonging to that group and it simply didn't work. I am pretty sure I reported this at the time.

Yes, that was my bad, and you should be able to now. :oops:

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Politely asking our Chancellor.

Post by Sleazy_Writer »


I think Diderot just asked our Chancellor to take concrete steps concerning who can and may take care of the Anzere hub.

[url:289avm3w] ... =5361#5361[/url:289avm3w]

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":3p8iu7so]That said, the pieces were NOT set as shared, so I have just corrected this.[/quote:3p8iu7so]
I asked Gwyneth to test it, slightly move something in Anzere and rez a Land Verwaltung (group) owned object, result:

[i:3p8iu7so]It works.[/i:3p8iu7so]

Who ever gets put in charge of this, all that's needed is:
- She/he needs to be a member of "Land Verwaltung"
- Activate this group (probably)
- Objects and new objects there must be set to that group
- Objects and new objects there must have the 'Share with group' box checked
- No scripts, contents can be given by selling content for 0 L$

Let me know if I forgot something.

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="TOPGenosse":2a8973w5][quote="Aliasi Stonebender":2a8973w5]That said, the pieces were NOT set as shared, so I have just corrected this.[/quote:2a8973w5]
I asked Gwyneth to test it, slightly move something in Anzere and rez a Land Verwaltung (group) owned object, result:

[i:2a8973w5]It works.[/i:2a8973w5]

Who ever gets put in charge of this, all that's needed is:
- She/he needs to be a member of "Land Verwaltung"
- Activate this group (probably)
- Objects and new objects there must be set to that group
- Objects and new objects there must have the 'Share with group' box checked
- No scripts, contents can be given by selling content for 0 L$

Let me know if I forgot something.[/quote:2a8973w5]

Yes, thank you for summarizing in one place.

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Patroklus, I've IM'ed you about (3):

[quote="Patroklus Murakami":2atv1jx0]1. Pay citizens to host events. [...]

2. Set up a training programme for Events Organisers. [...]

3. Establish a Commission on the Anzere infohub. There are a number of people who've expressed a desire to improve the Anzere infohub. A Commission would be one way to channel those energies. (BTW I am aware that it's not 'ours' per se but I'm sure we can find a way to capitalise on all the positive suggestions for improvement while acknowledging the good work that has already been done).[/quote:2atv1jx0]
Quote from 'RA discussion'

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Post by Nikki »

Today I visited the hub at Anzere and was surprised to find it was quite busy. When I had been in Neufreistadt before that there was only one other avatar, but in Anzere there were five others. I asked them what had brought them there, and not any of them knew what the CDS was. Or, at least that is what they told me.

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off topic on a dead thread

Post by Tanoujin Milestone »

[quote="TOPGenosse":8vmy9zx8](Btw, I think Torley is a dude.)[/quote:8vmy9zx8]
Yes, TOP/Sleazy, Ms Torley Linden is a Transgender, like me btw, and i have read since voice she is sometimes tired of speaking and listening. Guess why 8)

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Re: Delegate Anzere infohub maintenance to CDS Traders?

Post by Sonja Strom »

It seems like who would maintain the CDS Infohub on Anzere has been an ongoing issue, as described in this thread, in this one: ... lit=Anzere
and in other places in our Forum.

Perhaps the Anzere Infohub could be included in an overall diplomatic effort that I brought up here: ... d=a#p10283

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Re: Delegate Anzere infohub maintenance to CDS Traders?

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Sonja Strom wrote:

It seems like who would maintain the CDS Infohub on Anzere has been an ongoing issue, as described in this thread, in this one: ... lit=Anzere
and in other places in our Forum.

Perhaps the Anzere Infohub could be included in an overall diplomatic effort that I brought up here: ... d=a#p10283

If I'm not mistaken, this is part of what Alex, Arriai and Mizou are hard at work on: revamping the web portal, and figuring out what to do with the Anzere infohub. Looks like a fun project to work on -- it's very out of date, but there's lots of interesting opportunity there. It will be good to see us take advantage of that.


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Re: Delegate Anzere infohub maintenance to CDS Traders?

Post by Sonja Strom »

Thank you, Cindy. I am happy to learn about this work going on, and am very happy to know that the community is participating in this effort to make improvements! :-)

That said, I am also disappointed to have only learned about it through a somewhat indirect post made in response to an idea I brought up. :shock:

While I could see some connection between work on improving the Anzere Infohub and work on improving our websites (being essentially extensions of our community into other spheres), I have not heard anyone make this connection before.

In general this brings up some questions for me:
Has this work been described elsewhere in the Forum, or announced in any other way?
While work on the web pages was discussed in the Representative Assembly meeting of February 24, 2008, work on Anzere was not brought up in that meeting, nor in any other RA meeting.
Especially, has this work been made open for everyone to participate in who might like to?

I want to be clear that my disappointment does not have anything to do with the work being done itself, only with the apparently low level of communication about it, possibly even to a lack of inclusiveness - - I am not sure about that; but then, I know very little about how it has been happening.

In regard to this, I am reminded of a post made by Jon Seattle here: ... 347#p10347

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Re: Delegate Anzere infohub maintenance to CDS Traders?

Post by cleopatraxigalia »

That is still agreat idea!
What a shame the trader's association died............does anyone know and care to tell us what happened?

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Re: Delegate Anzere infohub maintenance to CDS Traders?

Post by Sonja Strom »

As a year has gone by since this question was asked, I guess nobody wanted to answer.:roll:

I have been thinking, it would be good if we had some information about "Shopping in the CDS" at the Anzere Infohub. One way to do this could be to have posters for shops which would give away landmarks and maybe notecards if you clicked on them. At the very least we could have some kind of sign about our main shopping areas.

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Re: Delegate Anzere infohub maintenance to CDS Traders?

Post by Timo Gufler »

This is a great suggestion! Despite of all efforts I have to say CDS is quite unknwon place and making the shops of it better known could make it also more interesting place for merchants who get more traffic here and so on...

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