CARE Current Announcements

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CARE Current Announcements

Post by michelmanen »

Hello Everyone,

CARE's inaugural meetings will take place tomorrow, 4 January 2007, at the Reuters Auditorium, at 11:00 AM SLT and at 7:00 PM SLT at Reuters' Auditorium. For those who cannot make it from the start of either meeting but still wish to come, please do so since CARE members will be at the Auditorium between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM SLT and between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM SLT.

For those who cannot come at all on Thursday, 4 January 2007, we shall hold our January 2007 Campaign Launch Meetings on Sunday, 6 January 2007, at 12:00 PM (lunch), and at 8:00 PM SLT. Please do try to attend one of these meetings, so that you may have a chance to discuss and approve the Draft Manifesto, Policy Program and CARE Constitution, select our candidates to the Representative Assembly and decide on the manner and level of your practical involvement in CARE's activities.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Your CARE Team

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CARE General Meeting Agenda: Saturday, April 28, 2007

Post by michelmanen »

Hello Everyone,

Over the past 3 months, CARE members have been developing new policies designed to meet our electoral agenda commitments.

Your input and active participation are critical if we are to achieve Democracy, Prosperity and Diversity in a Fair and Sustainable CDS.

CARE will hold a [b:2wdyyssu]General Meeting on Saturday, 28 April 2007, at 1:00 pm slt, in the open-air theatre of the CRAEDO Auditorium, Colonia Nova[/b:2wdyyssu]. Pleasue use the TP point in the CN Forum to transport there.

Please make time to attend this very important meeting!

[b:2wdyyssu]CARE General Meeting Agenda: Saturday, April 28, 2007[/b:2wdyyssu]

1. Opening Remarks by CARE Co-Chairperson

2. Review of Electoral Agenda Commitments

3. CARE Activites since the Election:

a) Conferences and Meetings held;
b) Working Groups Attended;
c) Work in the Representative Assembly;
d) Developing CDS Economic, Social and Cultural Life;
e) Establishing CARE Embassies in other communities (Roma,
f) Work on an Avatars' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities;
g) Establishing a CDS Virtual Public Radio Broadcasting
Corporation; and
h) Submitting a new CDS Sim proposal: "Al-Andalus".

4. Future Policy Agenda

5. CARE Membership Involvement

6. Concluding Remarks by CARE Co-Chairperson.

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Post by michelmanen »

Hello All,

It seems today was a bad day.. no one was able to show up at 1 pm slt. The meeting is therefore postponed until we can agree to a time more convenient for us all.

Have a good weekend,


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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

I showed up. Shame you couldn't hold your meeting. I wanted to hear what you had to say :(

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A Bill to Establish a CDS Citizenship Commission

Post by michelmanen »

Hello All,

The RA is considering suspending a vote on the draft Citizenship amendments which triggered my resignation and, further to CARE's initiative to this effect, the creation of a Citizenship Commission having as mandate to consult the greatest possible number of CDS citizens on this matter.

CARE has submitted such a draft bill, enclosed below for your attention.

Should the RA adopt this or a similar bill, the CARE Executive will recommed that CARE resume its RA seat.

Your views, comments and opinions on these matters are important. Please provide us with your input!

Michel Manen

The proposed Bill below has been drafted and is sponsored by Michel Manen, CARE Chaiperson

[size=150:2e41s5gx][b:2e41s5gx]NL 6-4: A Bill to Establish a CDS Citizenship Commission [/b:2e41s5gx][/size:2e41s5gx]

1.0 CDS Representative Assembly declaration of policy [/b:2e41s5gx]

1.1 The paradox of the contemporary situation in the Confederation of Democratic Simulators is that we require a fuller, richer, yet more subtle understanding and practice of citizenship than Real Life nation-states require. That richer citizenship is required because what the CDS needs from its citizenry cannot be secured by coercion, but only by cooperation and self-restraint in the exercise of both public and private power.
1.2 The claim to belong to a particular political association has been a prevalent theme of political discourse since the beginning of human civilization. But the issue of who is allowed to belong to a particular polity, and under what conditions, is no less a political question than the issue of who should determine membership.
1.3 As the qualitative differences between various communities and sims in Second Life continue to increase, and as the mobility of avatars between such sims remains virtually absolute, the ability to claim citizenship within well-ordered and progressive sims will grow more valuable and contested.
1.4 Crucial to any specification of citizenship, however, is an understanding not only of what citizenship must entail, but also why these rights are granted and obligations required.
1.5. The RA concludes that it is appropriate to seek wide public input regarding these issues centered on the notion of CDS Citizenship beyond that which occurs in weekly RA meetings, faction discussions, or on the CDS forums, and therefore appoints a CDS Citizenship Commission (“CDS CC”), to be co-chaired by three qualified CDS citizens appointed by the RA.

[b:2e41s5gx]2.0 Mandate, Mission, Duties [/b:2e41s5gx]

2.1 The mandate of the CDS CC is that of Rethinking Citizenship in the CDS in light of the exponential growth of SL and its increasing importance as a tool of information, communication, participation and action in the Real World.
2.2 The mission of the CDS CC is to Inform, Educate, Debate, Listen and Report.
2.3 The CDS CC, in cooperation with the RA, will define the key issues at stake in rethinking the notion of citizenship in the CDS and summarize them in a clear and concise manner.
2.4 The CDS CC, in cooperation with the RA, will define various options and types of CDS citizenship in light of the above principles, and summarize them in a clear and concise manner.
2.5 The CDS CC will provide each citizen, via RL e-mail, with a text including the information detailed above, as well as all additional information regarding the timetable and activities of the CDS CC so as to ensure, to the extent possible, the participation of all CDS citizens in its proceedings and deliberations.
2.6 The CDS CC shall open a thread on the CDS Forums specifically dedicated to its proceedings, where it shall post the information included on the above-mentioned e-mail and allow both CDS citizens and non-citizens to contribute their views and opinions on these matters.
2.7 The CDS CC shall publicize in the CDS sims, by means of prominently-displayed notices, the timetables of its consultation process and of its in-world consultation times and places; as well as the URL of the CDS Forums thread allocated for such purposes.
2.8 Public consultations shall last for a period of four weeks, starting on May 20th and finishing on June 17th 2007, during which weekly meetings, hearings and debates will be held in a manner such as to accommodate all citizens wishing to participate, taking into account their various disponibilities and time zones.
2.9 Each citizen wishing to address the CDS CC shall be afforded the opportunity to speak uninterrupted for up to five minutes, following which testimony the hearing shall be open for dialogue. Public testimony may also be made by written submission to the forums or to the Commission Chairs.
2.10 The CDS CC shall devise a simple questionnaire regarding key citizenship issues and choices which it shall distribute to all CDS citizens at the end of the third week of consultations, via RL e-mails.
2.11 Upon receipt of the completed surveys, the CDS CC shall use the results thereof in addition to the summaries of all consultation, discussion, and debate sessions in order to draft a Report for the RA summarizing the views and opinions of CDS citizens on issues pertaining to CDS citizenship.
2.12 The CDS CC shall, in addition to a summary of citizens’ views as detailed above, provide the RA with a set of recommendations regarding the nature, scope and application of CDS citizenship, as well as a draft Citizenship Act text based on such recommendations.
2.13 The results of the CDS CC Survey, Report, Recommendations, and draft Citizenship Act shall be posted on the appropriate thread of the CDS Forums.
2.14 Any participant or group of participants in the CDS CC may submit dissenting opinions on the CDS forums.

3.0 Representative Assembly Action[/b:2e41s5gx]

3.1 The RA shall, in light of the CDS CC Report, recommendations, draft Citizenship Act, and dissenting opinions (if any), debate, discuss and draft a Citizenship Bill which shall be submitted to a vote in the RA no later than July 1st, 2007.

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CARE Resignation

Post by michelmanen »

After careful reflection, I have decided to resign as CARE Co-chairman and CARE Member with immediate effect, and withdraw from all public involvement in the CDS.

Any existing ties between CRAEDO and CARE are dissolved.

Although all costs for the CARE website have been paid for one year,

1. all further maintenance of the website is the responsibility of the remaining CDS CARE faction (if any). The site was developed and is hosted by QTLabs Inc., and the contact person is QTlabs Apogee.
2. all graphics, logos (including the CARE Flag/Banner), slogans and other intellectual property (including CARE Election video on YouTube) on the CARE site remain the personal property of C.A. Olteanu (as indicated on the site: Copyright © 2007 C.A. Olteanu. All intellectual property rights reserved by C.A. Olteanu under Canadian and international law.) and will no longer be available for CARE (including CARE CDS Faction) use.

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Post by Leon »

Does this mean that Mizou's seat on the RA is void?

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Post by michelmanen »



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