[b:3traw3no]CSDF Platform January 2007 - "Avenues for Participation"[/b:3traw3no]
We think the CDS has lost its way recently. The last six months have been dominated by discussion of the Judiciary, almost to the exclusion of everything else.
We want to refocus the creative energies of our citizenry to make the CDS a vibrant, attractive home for artists, builders, designers, scripters, traders; a thriving home for the arts, commerce and industry.
We believe the CDS has the potential to be a model for creative, self-governing communities where citizens are empowered to pursue their interests and contribute to common goals.
Our 7 point plan is:
1) New Guild
2) New Sim
3) Commerce
4) Events
5) Citizen participation
6) Judiciary
7) Electoral Reform
[b:3traw3no]1) New Guild[/b:3traw3no]
"The Guild is dead; long live the Guild!" The Guild has not worked as the founders intended. Its governmental role has led it to neglect the training of citizens in creative skills. We, the CSDF, have already presented legislation to set up the the New Guild as an educational institute and workshop, passing remaining veto powers to the SC. We will campaign vigorously for this concept - we believe that the life and strength of the CDS lies in the creativity of its citizens.
[b:3traw3no]2) New Sim[/b:3traw3no]
Colonia Nova has been a stunning success, and that is due to the work of many of our citizens. We will call again for this immense creative power to be used in the territorial growth of our community, and we will propose that a planning festival be created to discuss themes, models and planning for the new sims.
[b:3traw3no]3) Commerce[/b:3traw3no]
We need a 'buzz' of excitement about the CDS, we need more outsiders roaming the streets of NFS and CN. For that, a common policy must be set. We need events to atract people, we need to build a 'national' reputation for quality in our traded goods. We will call for the establishment of the New Guild and support to traders' associations, also for the creation of a Tourism Office in both sims.
[b:3traw3no]4) Events[/b:3traw3no]
The lack of events in the CDS is a 'national' problem and one which the RA as our 'national' legislature should tackle as its number one problem. We will call for the RA to approve a Promotion budget for our sims. We will also call for the Executive to coordinate the efforts of Tourism Office and PIO in the creation of a regular schedule of events.
[b:3traw3no]5) Citizen Participation[/b:3traw3no]
We are committed to creating new avenues for participation for all our citizens. We will call for planning festivals, we will set the New Guild up and running, we will ensure active involvement through new models of commissions, we will strive to support all associations inside our community.
[b:3traw3no]6) Judiciary[/b:3traw3no]
Any judicial system we adopt is part of the fundamental contract that our society has with each citizen. Before any judicial system can be effective it must have widespread support and consent from almost all citizens. We call for constructive discussion on the Judiciary. While recognizing the incredible amount of work and dedication that went into creating the Judicial Act, we believe that a fundamental reorganization will be required to make a judicial system acceptable to many people in our community.
[b:3traw3no]7) Electoral Reform[/b:3traw3no]
We want to reform the electoral system so that all citizens can rank candidates for office, as is the privilege now of those citizens in a faction. We propose the Single Transferable Vote system as yet another way to enhance the citizens' representation, by allowing them to choose directly their representantives.
We also want to solve the problem of local v. national representation by making all RA representatives local representatives in one, national legislature.