CDS Election Debate January 2007 - Transcript

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CDS Election Debate January 2007 - Transcript

Post by Sudane Erato »

CDS Election Debate January 2007

Come and hear the four factions contesting the elections present
their programmes to the electorate. Put your questions to the

on Saturday 13 January at 1pm SL time

in the Ampitheatre, Colonia Nova.

Michel Manen - CARE
Diderot Mirabeau - Simplicity Party
Jon Seattle - CSDF
Justice Soothsayer - DPU

Sudane Erato

Flyingroc Chung
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Post by Flyingroc Chung »

Hi, Salzie alerted me to a possible issue with the timing of this debate: the debate will happen on the 13th, the same day that polls open.

The date and time of the start of the polls are enshrined in the constitution: "Elections shall be held over a 168 hour period beginning at noon SLT on the Saturday before the 16th of the month prior to the new RAs taking office."

I think many of us expect the campaigning to cease when the elections start; but there is actually, as far as I know, no prohibition in the CDS code for debates or campaigning during the election period.

Just a heads up that people might actually vote before and during the debate.

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Patroklus Murakami
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Transcript 1/2

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Patroklus Murakami: could everyone pls touch the recorder next to the microphone to indicate consent to being recorded? audience and speakers pls?
Diderot Mirabeau: excellent :-)
Diderot Mirabeau has indicated consent to be recorded.
Flyingroc Chung has indicated consent to be recorded.
Jon Seattle has indicated consent to be recorded.
Claude Desmoulins has indicated consent to be recorded.
Leon Ash has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sudane Erato has indicated consent to be recorded.
Beathan Vale has indicated consent to be recorded.
Jonty Peel has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sudane Erato: ok
Moon Adamant has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sudane Erato: Welcome Everyone.
Sudane Erato: Please be informed that this will be recorded and posted at the CDS forums.
Justice Soothsayer has indicated consent to be recorded.
Ludo Merit has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sudane Erato: I have a few comments before we begin.
Sudane Erato: The factions have information available for you at CDS website, the CDS Forums and at inworld dispensers, and at least one at their own website. Their members are also available to chat, so you shouldn't have any difficulties getting the information you need to vote.
Sudane Erato: There is a guide to how voting works in the CDS, posted at the homepage of the CDS website, for your perusal.
Sudane Erato: The polls opened at noon SLT today. If you have any problems voting, contact Gwyn or Flyingroc for help.
Sudane Erato: Yes, there is also an unofficial voters guide by Fernando
Sudane Erato: Please vote.
Flyingroc Chung says hello "look for ape if you have problems voting"
Sudane Erato: On to the debate.
Jon Seattle: :D
Sudane Erato: We have four factions running in the elections and each has a representative here today.
Sudane Erato: They are, in alphabetical order by the name of their faction
Sudane Erato: Michel Manen - Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality
Sudane Erato: on my far left
Sudane Erato: Jon Seattle - Citizen's Social Democratic Faction
Sudane Erato: on my immediate left
Sudane Erato: Justice Soothsayer - Democratic Pragmatist Union
Sudane Erato: on my immediate right
Sudane Erato: Diderot Mirabeau - Simplicity Party
Sudane Erato: on my far right
Sudane Erato: And we will debate in the alphabetical order of the factions:
Sudane Erato: first CARE
Sudane Erato: then CSDF
Sudane Erato: then DPU
Sudane Erato: and then Simplicity Party
Sudane Erato: We begin with the four minute opening statements.
Sudane Erato: Michel Manen, from the Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality, is first
Sudane Erato: Michel, you may begin.
Michel Manen: Thnak you all for attending this important debate.
Michel Manen: My name is Michel Manen, and togethere with Mizou Vavoom and Bruno Ecevary, we are thr CARE rCandidates to the RA
Michel Manen: let me briefly state CARE's Visioon for our community:
Michel Manen: The CDS will be a democratic, prosperous, diverse community based on principles of fairness and sustainability. The creativity, enthusiasm, participation and success of its growing number of citizens will transform it into a knowledge society at the leading edge of Second Life. The success and vitality of our innovation-driven community will lead to its establishing links with Real Life organizations on issues of economic, social, environmental and cultural sustainability.
Michel Manen: Therefore, our goal is to provide leadeship in acheiveing "Democracy, Prosperity, Diversity in a Fair and Sustainable CDS"
Michel Manen: But before we arrive at specific policies
Michel Manen: a few words about the CARE candidates
Michel Manen: I SPEAK English, French, German, Spanish, Romanian I have a BA (hons) Politics and Languages; LL.B; work on LL.M(International Legal Studies), M.A. (War in the Modern World / in progress)
Michel Manen: I teach business law courses to undergraduate and MBA university students; work with a law firm; founded and run an RL nonprofit organization whose aim is to re-think what it means to be an active citizen in the 21st Century, in Canada , USA , and the EU; I am actively involved in community work through my membership in my city?s Board of Trade; I write books and articles on law and politics; I appear regularly as a television political commentator on the Multicultural Channel of my home city
Michel Manen: In Second Life: I am a member of the Hammurabi Chambers, headed by Oni Jiutai, CARE?s Co-chair (Policy Development). I became a DCS citizen at the beginning of November 2006 and quickly got involved in the life of his new community. I am currently developing my land holdings in both Neufreistadt and Colonia Nova, by commissioning buildings open to the public, which will serve as the virtual Headquarters, Conference Center and Media and Teaching Institute of his RL non-profit organization, and by building a new office for Hammurabi Chambers.
Michel Manen: I am the founder and director of CARE I have been instrumental in developing CARE?s Vision, Mission, Principles, and Policies, as well as its innovative campaign techniques, which have assisted in making CARE the largest party in CDS history ( both I terms of total members as well as in the number of CDs citizens belonging to it). MY interview regarding the current campaign made headlines in Second Life News Network. and in Second Life?s New World Notes.
Michel Manen: I am the founder and director of CARE I have been instrumental in developing CARE?s Vision, Mission, Principles, and Policies, as well as its innovative campaign techniques, which have assisted in making CARE the largest party in CDS history ( both I terms of total members as well as in the number of CDs citizens belonging to it). MY interview regarding the current campaign made headlines in Second Life News Network. and in Second Life?s New World Notes.
Michel Manen: Bruno Echevary
Sudane Erato: Stop
Michel Manen: In Second Life: Bruno created the first Italian SIM in Second Life: Parioli (128, 128, 0), which consistently ranks in 2L?s Top 10 (non-adult) Most Popular Places and achieves over 20,000 daily traffic; has developed the unique 2L holographic environment using an immersive approach; is developing ties between business, educational and artistic RL organizations and equivalent 2L initiatives and projects; sponsors the arts and artists in 2L and displays their works in his sim?s Art Museum).
Michel Manen: Thank you
Sudane Erato: Thank you Michel.
Sudane Erato: Next up is Jon Seattle, from the Citizen's Social Democratic Faction
Hermina Nieminen claps
Sudane Erato: Jon, yoiu may begin
Jon Seattle: I want to start by talking about the CSDF New Guild proposal and what it means.
Jon Seattle: This proposal is vitally important for the future of our community. Why should the CDS charter an independent organization to educate its citizens and get them directly involved in building our communities? Here is how it works.
Jon Seattle: The next sim we build we can train enough planners and craftspeople to build two sims. We have a core group who is quite skilled. Citizens will want to participate in this process because by doing so they will improve their own skills.
Jon Seattle: When we have the next sim on line, we also extend our population. This means that we have more people who will want to learn. The next round we build two sims, and the round after than four sims.
Jon Seattle: Design and business education is not just good for our citizens, it can be the engine that lets us bring democratic alternatives to the metaverse.
Jon Seattle: The first thing the new Guild should do is to complete our regional master-plan. We need that plan so that we can connect the sims with waterways and roads and also to allow us to buy sims at a much lower cost.
Jon Seattle: The plan does not designate specific themes, it just allows us to do a better job putting things together. This should be done with full public involvement.
Jon Seattle: When we have finished the planning process we propose building one additional sim in the coming term, putting quality and training ahead of quantity.
Jon Seattle: The new Guild is just the start. We support voluntary and non-governmental organizations open to all citizens for the trade association (started by CSDF member Pat Murkami) to run the churches and temples, and art galleries. We want to help citizens get the skills and tools they need to start their own businesses.
Jon Seattle: If you look at CSDF proposals, they all build on the work of citizens have taken the initiative. Moon and others with the Colonia Nova project and the SPC, Pat with his trader's association.
Jon Seattle: We believe this is the best model. Let citizens take the initiative and have the CDS support them in these projects when they benefit our community. Some of the voluntary projects started by citizens will fade eventually, but the CDS can carry on, always building human capital and knowledge.
Jon Seattle: We need an representitve assembly that provides the framework for our citizens to realise their own second life goals and which doesn't just pass legislation for legislation's sake.
Jon Seattle: Government should be small, well organized, and effective. That does not mean that we need to give up our egalitarianism or our hard work as a community to help citizens realize their own life goals. We believe in pursuing progressive goals with effective means.
Jon Seattle: We need to balance our needs as a virtual nation with the local needs. CN and NFS should become local constituencies and elect their own representatives to the RA. We can have in one single national chamber with strong local representation.
Jon Seattle: We also need a way to balance the advantages of a faction-centered political process with the need to allow people who are not in factions to take full part in our democratic process.
Jon Seattle: We researched and debated some the alternatives and decided that single transferable vote (STV) was the best approach for the CDS. After electoral reform every citizen will get to choose between the candidates, not just faction members.
Jon Seattle: After all the confusion we finally have gone back to a court that has five judges drawn from three factions and from all walks of life. These are well trusted, extraordinary bright, and careful people.
Jon Seattle: I know the court of the Scientific Council will do their best and understand citizen's concerns. Yes, the court needs changes, but lets make those changes in a careful, gradual process so that the court always retains basic public confidence.
Jon Seattle: To continue the spirit of our community should be our major goal. I am sure the CSDF is as committed as any faction. We disagree with those who work through division and defamation. The CDS is a community of volunteers and gifted amateurs. While professional help is always welcome we shouldn't lose sight of our roots and make our government distant from the people.
Jon Seattle: Thank you.
Sudane Erato: Thank you Jon
Sudane Erato: Next we have Justice Soothsayer, from the Democratic Pragmatist Union
Sudane Erato: Justice, you may begin
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks, Sudane, and thanks for moderating.
Justice Soothsayer: I?m proud to represent DPU today and stand on a record of accomplishment this term.
Justice Soothsayer: We?ve made major progress, renaming us to CDS, getting CN off to a good start, establishing the Chancellor, engaging in a public dialogue about the judiciary, keeping on a solid financial footing.
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks to your trusting us last elections with a leading role.
Justice Soothsayer: We of DPU don?t have the flashiest campaign signs. Black, white, and shades of gray. But then again, we?re not campaigning as the flashy party.
Justice Soothsayer: We?re campaigning as the folks who have led the way ? which includes working with others. Our is a record of substantial achievement, working hard to establish consensus, and taking decisive action when needed.
Justice Soothsayer: You can read our platform, just click on the DPU signs on the Platz, Forum, and elsewhere.
Justice Soothsayer: Since time is short here, I?ll sum it up:
Justice Soothsayer: We want to see a thriving CDS community. We want more sims, a broader economy, close ties with other similarly minded groups in SL.
Justice Soothsayer: So what we offer is a record of accomplishment along with a vision of the future where we work collaboratively to grow and prosper.
Justice Soothsayer: Thank you.
Flyingroc Chung cheers
Justice Soothsayer blushes
Sudane Erato: Thank you Justice
Diderot Mirabeau coughs
Sudane Erato: And last, but not least, we have Diderot Mirabeau from the Simplicity Party
Sudane Erato: Diderot, you may begin
Diderot Mirabeau: (thanks Sudane) Ladies and gentlemen - citizens of the CDS: Thanks for taking your time to participate in this meeting to listen and ask about our policies.
Diderot Mirabeau: My name is Diderot Mirabeau and I'm a candidate for the Simplicity Party together with Publius Crabgrass, Gxeremio Dimusm and Beathan Vale. Our other faction members are Blingbling Cassowary, Brian Livingston and Aliasi Stonebender.
Diderot Mirabeau: I'd like to explain what is the philosophy that inspires the our party.
Diderot Mirabeau: As indicated by our name - we believe that the best way to govern a society in a virtual world is to balance a general desire for simplicity with solutions that work to achieve their intended goal.
Diderot Mirabeau: We believe simplicity in government is a benefit to our community because it makes it easier for our citizens to relate to, discuss and make use of the institutions and rules that we decide.
Diderot Mirabeau: Simplicity is a useful way of making our political decision making more transparent for our citizens.
Diderot Mirabeau: We have to remember that we are all here on a voluntary basis.
Diderot Mirabeau: Our society and our economy is based on voluntary participation by citizens and government officials alike.
Diderot Mirabeau: We all have a limited amount of time to spend on making decisions and enacting government bodies and relating to our government should not devour all the time that one has available for second life: There should be time for socialising, experimenting, building, being an entrepreneur, creating NGO's - in short creating a CDS that is full of _real_ life and not just the sometimes bureaucratic processes of government decisionmaking.
Diderot Mirabeau: Simplicity also means we like our policymakers to be cautious: to take one small step at a time, get some experience with how that works, adjust it and introduce some extensions as we discover shortcomings with the initial approach.
Diderot Mirabeau: We have to remember that policymakers and government officials meet at various odd hours because of different time zones and that some of us overcome language barriers to participate in the debate.
Diderot Mirabeau: In light of this we have to be cautious when discussing and developing our politics.
Diderot Mirabeau: It is always better to be able t o discuss and take decisions with reference to tangible evidence and experience that everyone agrees upon than to engage in long, philosophical discussions on abstract issues.
Diderot Mirabeau: Having said that I should like to emphasise that we in the Simplicity Party are not just 'simpletons' that want to bring down our government as we know it and introduce some anarchistic rule based on a minimum of legislation. We do in fact have a constructive agenda for developing our community, which I would love to go in further detail should time permit.
Diderot Mirabeau: I'd like to mention just briefly a few of the bills that we propose to introduce:
Diderot Mirabeau: - A Kill Bill which will eliminate up to 23 old and/or unused acts to help clean up in our collection of laws and make it easier for citizens - old and new alike - to know what to expect
Moon Adamant: Action!
Diderot Mirabeau: - A Constitutional revision bill which will set up a committee to take a look at our existing constitution and find out if it can be structured better and more consistently to make for an easier read
Diderot Mirabeau: - A Promotion of Democracy in Second Life bill, which will bring together a toolbox of our tools, management, know how and people in democratic governance and make it available to other communities in Second Life, which wish to govern themselves democratically.
Diderot Mirabeau: We hope that this will also encourage current sub-communities in the CDS to experiment with setting up their own sim on the basis of the expertise that we can offer in the CDS. And thus promote a more rapid expansion of democracy in Second Life than we can facilitate by only buying and building our own sims.
Diderot Mirabeau: - A Bill for territorial expansion. We favour sim expansion and think that what we've done with the Colonia Nova project has been a resounding success, which we'd like to continue.
Diderot Mirabeau: However we'd like to look at whether we can team up with some partners in developing new sims that could provide some expertise that we cannot bring as the CDS.
Diderot Mirabeau: This could for example be partners with experience in driving traffic to the new sim or partners that agree in advance to populate the sim with shops, a legal centre, a language community or even a rentals operation in so far at it will be permissible within our legislation of course.
Diderot Mirabeau: The key thing that we would have to insist on here would be to maintain a democratic rule and the primacy of our Constitution.
Diderot Mirabeau: I'd like to talk more about our politics but time is running out
Diderot Mirabeau: please feel free to ask quesitons and read our platform notecards availabl from our posters
Diderot Mirabeau: thank you.
Sudane Erato: Thank you Diderot
Sudane Erato: This concludes our opening round. We now move on to the responsive round, each debater will have five minutes.
Sudane Erato: Michel Manen, from the Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality, is first.
Sudane Erato: Michel, you may begin
Michel Manen: Before I proceed with addressing our polices, I would like to say a few words about our third RA candidate, Mizou Vavoom
Michel Manen: Mizou is a resident of Cosy Island and a trader in Colonia Nova, as well as an architect, builder & waterfall/river designer. She has build up her own design company 'Carpe Diem Design' and her shops are in Cosy Village where she sells her prefabs and some building components.
Michel Manen: She designed and build Cosy village together with 3 other architects, Sudane Erato of 'Erato Environments', Geoffrey Steinbeck of 'Geoff & Tully', and Vanettda Lassard under the patronage of Melina Loonie, the Cosy Island owner. She is part of the Colonia Nova building team and has worked with Antonius Camus on the thermae garden & build her 'Carpe Diem Design' shop located on the Colonia Nova forum. Her skills are attention to detail in building and texturting.
Michel Manen: So, as you can see, the CARE Team brings an unmatched degree of knowledge, experience, dynamism and enthusiasm to the CDS. CARE?s Representative Assembly Candidates mirror the diversity of its members: a jurist, an entrepreneur, a virtual architect, who all strongly believe in and promote links and creative cooperation between 2L projects and RL institutions, and have practical knowledge of how to build on, diversify and make an even greater success out of already existing in-world achievements.
Michel Manen: The CARE Team members have outstanding track records, both in Real Life an in Second Life, and are deeply committed to the Party?s agenda of ?Democracy, Prosperity, Diversity in a Fair and Sustainable CDS?. They are eager to work with all CDS citizens towards meting these goals over the next six months. T
Michel Manen: CARE?s mission is to provide the necessary leadership to achieve Democracy, Prosperity, Diversity in a Fair and Sustainable CDS. We will present six specific policies during this term:
Michel Manen: Leadership ? forward not back: We will propose a Bill setting up a new Legislative Advisory Body, made up of all heads of the CDS branches of government, to discuss Bill introduced by Representatives or citizens and to ensure that the final text will be professional, precise, and acceptable to all
Michel Manen: Democracy ?the many not the few: we will introduce a Bill setting up citizens? study groups to actively involve as many of our citizens as possible in the legislative process, and not just once every six months, during elections.
Michel Manen: Prosperity ? we will introduce a Bill to establish strategic marketing and advertising ?Emassies such as the Anzeri Info point in strategic sims in 2L to imake the CDS a hub of trade, tourism and commerce
Michel Manen: Diversity ? celebrating difference : enabling a creative community: we will introduce a Bill to enable th CDS to acquire and run its own radio station, open its waves to all our linguistic and cultural communities (Esperanto and French come to mind here), and raise funds by selling on-air advertisements
Michel Manen: Fairness ? a just, stable, professional judiciary and a publicly-owned information meda One of the major questions for the next RA will be how to resolve The Judiciary Question. This will require negotiation and compromise. The eventual outcome is likely to depend a great deal on the outcome of the election, as will the route taken to get there.
Michel Manen: During this process CARE will seek to give effect to the following principles: 1. A primary duty of any government is to protect the rights, including the Human Rights, of its citizens. 2. This includes a duty to ensure that the citizens' rights can be enforced, both against individuals and the government. Rights that cannot be enforced are useless to our citizens. 3. Enforcement requires a judicial system that is accessible, fair and independent.
Michel Manen: 4. This is best given effect through a dedicated branch of government to hear and resolve disputes. However, this branch should not be able to overrule laws that have been created by the democratic process. 5. Fair hearings need detailed procedural rules, so that all parties know how their case will proceed and litigation can be conducted efficiently. To keep justice accessible, these should be supplemented by F.A.Q. and other advice.
Michel Manen: 6. Although many things in Second Life are different, our justice system should apply lessons learned from the First Life where appropriate. 7. Since we do not have the resources to develop a full Code of Laws, a Common Law system is the better solution. It will also offer greater flexibility.
Michel Manen: Sustsainability ? we will introduce a bill requiring that our new sim be designed specifically to attract creative, knowledge workers and creatives and give them the space, incentives and time to con tribute the the development our community in 2L
Michel Manen: All we need to begin with, as a community, is a dream that we can do better than before. All wee need to have, as individuals, is faith in ourselves -and that dream will come true. All we need to do, as citizens, is act - and the time for action is NOW.
Michel Manen: Thank you
Sudane Erato: Thank you Michel

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Patroklus Murakami
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Transcript 2/2

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Sudane Erato: Next up is Jon Seattle, from the Citizen's Social Democratic Faction
Sudane Erato: Jon, you may begin
Jon Seattle: I will make my remarks short. I am still very curious about CARE's sustantive agenda.
Jon Seattle: One of the basic ideas built in to our system is that of checks and balances. I do hope that we take care with both the legislative review
Jon Seattle: and decisions made by the courts that these will not be the last word. That there is some way to make sure that the constitution and laws are respected.
Jon Seattle: I am also curious about Bruno's role. In particular he has at least one sim. I could see some good ways of collaborating, but how do we make sure that our citizens continue to have a say.
Jon Seattle: FInally, I want to say that I look forward to working with you all in a constructive way. We have a long way to go to build a CDS
Jon Seattle: that will educate it's citizens and help them to persue their own dreams.
Jon Seattle: Lets work on that together.
Jon Seattle: Thank you.
Sudane Erato: Thank you Jon.
Sudane Erato: Next we have Justice Soothsayer, from the Democratic Pragmatist Union
Sudane Erato: Justice, you may begin
Justice Soothsayer: One of the things I like best about our electoral systems is that they are designed to reflect policy more than personality.
Justice Soothsayer: The result this term has been two factions that must (and have) worked together if we were to get anything done.
Justice Soothsayer: A good example is the kind of citizen consultation in the legislative process that Michel mentioned earlier.
Justice Soothsayer: We did that, in the discussions about the judiciary, and, just this morning....
Justice Soothsayer: the RA passed a bill setting up a structure for future commissions whenever they are needed.
Justice Soothsayer: It was a bill that passed unanimously, but only after throrough discussion about the policies (not the personalities) involved, and with amendments offered and adopted by both sides.
Justice Soothsayer: So when others might talk about grand plans, we've actually implemented them.
Justice Soothsayer: And CDS is better for it.
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks you.
Sudane Erato: Thank you Justice
Sudane Erato: And last, but not least, we have Diderot Mirabeau from the Simplicity Party
Sudane Erato: Diderot, you may begin
Diderot Mirabeau: thank you
Diderot Mirabeau: Ladies and gentlemen - I'd also like to first pick up from where I left off. I'd like to emphasise that in the simplicity party we are not radicalists and neither are we stubborn. Should you decide to elect us to the RA we are ready and more than willing to work with the other party''s in a constructive effort to reach decisions on the basis of broad agreement.
Diderot Mirabeau: Now - we have heard several of the parties describing their 'record of accomplishment' in the past term.
Diderot Mirabeau: It is true that for the Simplicity Party this is our first election campaign. However I'd like to point out that we do include among our members candidates and activists with a long history of participating in the governance of the CDS in various capacities.
Diderot Mirabeau: Experience and a record of accomplishment is a good thing surely as it can give the voters an assurance of knowing what they are getting.
Diderot Mirabeau: However let us not forget that it is vital for a democracy that it is renewed from time to time with inputs that reflect a broadening of the constituency.
Diderot Mirabeau: We believe that our philosophy of simplicity represents such a desirable renewal - one that is in fact based on insight and experience of the 'record of accomplishment' of the last term.
Diderot Mirabeau: Let us not forget that it was in the last term that so much of the time and political energy of the Representative Assembly was spent discussing and re-discussing a huge, monolithic bill to implement a judiciary in the CDS.
Diderot Mirabeau: What came out of this effort? Well - we gained a lot of experience about how not to go about legislating in the RA again I think.
Diderot Mirabeau: We in the Simplicity Party want to bring a new vision of how to legislate to the table at the RA.
Diderot Mirabeau: We do not want again to base legislation in the CDS on huge pieces of lengthy bills that are developed mostly by one expert and presented to the RA as one long text.
Diderot Mirabeau: We want to introduce into the RA a process of inclusive, focused legislation where the process of drafting legislation stays within the hands of our elected representatives but where they strive for a very inclusive process of consultation and discussion of proposed legislation.
Diderot Mirabeau: We have a concrete recipe for a process that can bring us to a judiciary that is based on the common understanding and confidence of our community.
Diderot Mirabeau: Finally, I'd like to second Jon's question as to the substantive policies of the CARE party. We have yet to see any details of their politics.
Diderot Mirabeau: As I understand it CARE emphasises an inclusive process to formulating policies - a viewpoitn with which we sympathise!
Diderot Mirabeau: but how does this process presently work? Is it really inclusive? It is hard for me to tell .. since it does not seem to be terribly transparent - at least not for somebody who is not a member ... look in the forums and you will find about 15 threads devoid of political discussion
Diderot Mirabeau: so I'd like to take this opportunity to ask CARE .. what do the voters get if they vote for you?
Diderot Mirabeau: thank you.
Sudane Erato: Thank you Diderot
Sudane Erato: That concludes our responsive round. We now move on to closing statements. Each debater will have two minutes.
Sudane Erato: Michel Manen, from the Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality, is first.
Sudane Erato: Michel, you may begin
Michel Manen: Ir is true that i ha ve insisted on the personalities of our Candidates
Michel Manen: But if we do not have professional, competent succesful citizens in government
Michel Manen: wew cannot have a good RA
Michel Manen: What wil you get if you vot for CARE?
Michel Manen: Direct inout in daily decision making
Michel Manen: collaboration between all bbranches of government
Michel Manen: respect for all diversity
Michel Manen: and a fair stable sysytem of govenrment
Michel Manen: Thats is not a smll mattere
Michel Manen: we hav e nt had it so fsar
Michel Manen: with CARE, in thre future,
Michel Manen: we wil
Michel Manen: not because of the 3 care reps
Michel Manen: but because of you all
Michel Manen: our ofuture is in your hands, not ours
Sudane Erato: Stop
Michel Manen: participates ma nad we will succed
Michel Manen: thank you
Sudane Erato: Thank you Michel
Sudane Erato: Next up is Jon Seattle, from the Citizen's Social Democratic Faction
Sudane Erato: Jon, you may begin
Jon Seattle: I just want to mention the bill that Justice mentioned, that we passed together was introduced by my collegue Moon Adamant
Jon Seattle: It provides a framework for all citizens to get involved in discussing and working on specific issues.
Jon Seattle: It is really well thought out. We are a party who emphsizes particpation.
Jon Seattle: and as Justice said, we are implementing ways for citizens to have a direct say in our government.
Jon Seattle: thank you
Sudane Erato: Thank you Jon
Sudane Erato: Next we have Justice Soothsayer, from the Democratic Pragmatist Union
Justice Soothsayer: Let me address this directly to those who have allegiance to a different faction than DPU as their first choice.
Sudane Erato: Justice, you may begin
Justice Soothsayer: Our election system asks you also to provide your second choice.
Justice Soothsayer: If you want substance, not slogans, I suggest you vote for DPU.
Justice Soothsayer: We are the party that gets things done, in collaboration and consultation with others.
Justice Soothsayer: We are Democratic:
Justice Soothsayer: we believe our democracy is the fundamental bedrock of our community
Justice Soothsayer: and we are Pragmatic:
Justice Soothsayer: we know we can't do it all alone.
Justice Soothsayer: On this basis I ask for your support.
Justice Soothsayer: Thank you.
Sudane Erato: Thank you Justice.
Sudane Erato: And last, but not least, we have Diderot Mirabeau from the Simplicity Party
Schernidaht DuCasse has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sudane Erato: Diderot, you may begin
Diderot Mirabeau: thank you Sudane.
Diderot Mirabeau: Ladies and gentlemen ...
Diderot Mirabeau: I think I have said most of what I intended to say tonight prior to your questions.
Diderot Mirabeau: I'd like to conclude by comparing the political process with that of building in Second Life:
Diderot Mirabeau: We all know that even the most advanced and satisfying buildings in SL come initially from the the archetypic plywood cube that appears if you rezz a default prim.
Diderot Mirabeau: We like to think of our political approach in the same way as starting out with the plywood prim and ending up with what is needed for something to work. No more prims than necessary. We like to think of our political approach in the same way as starting out with the plywood prim and ending up with what is needed for something to work. No more prims than necessary.
Diderot Mirabeau: The worst thing we can envision would be for the CDS to end up as some 688 prim club full of scripts and corny textures ...
Diderot Mirabeau: ... if what makes the most citizens happy is something more akin to a beautiful little cottage of maybe 25 prims - not terribly large but full of atmosphere and 'heartroom' supported by beautiful textures - and with a damned good view of the lake!
Diderot Mirabeau: If you share this vision I would urge you to place us high on your ballot.
Diderot Mirabeau: Thank you again - I look forward to answering your questions.
Sudane Erato: Thank you Diderot..
Sudane Erato: That concludes the formal presentations...
Sudane Erato: We have a few minutes left for questions
Sudane Erato: Please IM me simply to indicate that you'd like to ask a question
Sudane Erato: When I call on you, please address your question to ONE individual
Sudane Erato: and the ask the question
Sudane Erato: we have time for about 4 questions
Sudane Erato: Any question?
Sudane Erato: Just IM a word
Beathan Vale: I have one'
Sudane Erato: Beathan
Beathan Vale: In closing, Michel Manen indicated that he believes that the CDS has failed to have a stable government or interagency cooperation. This is contrary to what i have seen and what I think the history of the CDS shows. I want to ask Michel for the evidence on which he makes this claim, and Justice and Jon for a rebuttal of the claim that the CDS is dysfunctional and CARE is the cure. Further, Michel promises diversity and inclusiveness and expansion. However, how is what CARE will deliver actually different from what the other parties stand for? Is your party not just advocating that the current 95 page Judiciary Act be re-introduced into our legislation? Does CARE support similar legislation to institutionalize, as an elite class, RL professionals other than lawyers, or it is just a party of lawyer supremacy?
Michel Manen: do i reply?
Sudane Erato: sorry,
Sudane Erato: yes, please reply
Michel Manen: I do not believe in a politics of attacks and peresonal destruction. However,
Michel Manen: I compliment the current RA members for holding an RA meeting hours before the debate, minutes before the polls opened, to introduce bil that almost textually reproduce the innovative, participative , inclusive approach that CARE energised this elections with. I am told imitation is the best form of flattery. THe very fact that the current factions in the RA felt so urgently the need to meet today and introduce such bills goes only to porve that
Michel Manen: CARE?s proactive and dynamic campaign strategy, focusing on reaching out directly to CDS citizens, listening to their opinions and concerns, and giving their experience and needs a voice, as well as their well-publicized and well-attended Inaugural Meetings, their distinctive campaign materials and their well-crafted Manifesto left opponent parties no choice other than to adapt CARE?s leading edge strategy, tactics, advertising techniques and substantive campaign material for their own campaign purposes. Thus, in little more than two weeks of a creative, innovative, inclusive and open campaigning, CARE succeeded in revolutionizing the political landscape of the CDS and making more proactive, participative, accountable and creative.
Michel Manen: Thank you
Sudane Erato: Thank you Michel...
Sudane Erato: Patroklus has a question
Flyingroc Chung: what, a bill that was introduced before CARe was formed?
Patroklus Murakami: question to justice: the dpu say they'll set up a commonwealth of democratice nations to bring on other democracies (but there aren't any yet). and a virtual un which will bring in the furries and the goreans. how is that going to work and how much time and effort do u think it will take?
Sudane Erato: FR, please wait your turn
Flyingroc Chung: sorry
Justice Soothsayer: Pat, CN wasn't built in a day, neither will democracy in SL.
Jon Seattle: May I agrees that
Jon Seattle: adress
Sudane Erato: Please, only the questioned to answer
Patroklus Murakami: may i follow up?
Sudane Erato: Flyingroc has a question
Justice Soothsayer: It's going to take a lot of time and effort, but I think it makes sense for us to reach out beyond our boundaries.
Sudane Erato: ahh... sorry
Sudane Erato: Pat?
Justice Soothsayer: no, that's OK Sudane, let Pat follow up.
Flyingroc Chung: lol, sorry, my questionw as rhetorical
Flyingroc Chung: ;-)
Sudane Erato: Pat?
Patroklus Murakami: well, that's not really an answer to my question. why have policies that sound great if u have no realistic chance of implementing them? it's liek your proposal for a senate last term
Sudane Erato: any other questions?
Leon Ash: May I
Sudane Erato: Justice?
Justice Soothsayer: We have to build from the first prim. Outreach takes time, but we're indicating that it is time to start.
Sudane Erato: Leon has a question
Leon Ash: I'm very curious about the role of the constitution vs the laws, particularly with regards to different sims potentially having different laws
Sudane Erato: to whom is the question addressed?
Leon Ash: The question to Justice is. What is your opion about having different laws per SIM in the CDS
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks, Leon. WE already have some different laws - different covenants in each sim.
Justice Soothsayer: But the basic structure of our govt is from the constitution, and we're all agreeing to live under the same general laws.
Justice Soothsayer: There will be local variation, for example, skyboxes on this sim not found in NFS.
Justice Soothsayer: But my belief is that there should be a lot more that unites us than divides us.
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks.
Sudane Erato: Thank you...
Sudane Erato: any further questions?
Sudane Erato: If not..
Sudane Erato: may I beg everyone who has spoken to please touch the recorder
Sudane Erato: to indicate your consent to be recorded
Sudane Erato: the Transcript for this meeting will be published later today
Sudane Erato: Also, a reminder that an unofficial voters guide
Sudane Erato: will be snet out today
Beathan Vale: Will CARE [articipate in the guide?
Sudane Erato: if you don't get one, please ask
Sudane Erato: I don't have an answer to that
Michel Manen: Yes, we will
Sudane Erato: Thank you everyone
Sudane Erato: Great
Beathan Vale: it is going out--have you submitted your answers yet?
Patroklus Murakami applauds sudane for excellent chairing :)
Sudane Erato: Please...
Sudane Erato: VOTE!
Beathan Vale: cheers!!!
Moon Adamant: Thank you all :)
Michel Manen: Thank you Sudane for moderating. You have made this a professional, well-run debate. This is what we need in the RA as well.
Diderot Mirabeau coughs
Leon Ash: Yes, thank you Sudane and all the representatives
Patroklus Murakami: ty to sudane and the candidates for an excellent debate :)
Sudane Erato: thank you all
Michel Manen: /handshake Sudane
Sudane Erato: you were very well behaved :))
Delia Lake: thank you Sudane and faction representatives. this was very informative
Michel shakes Sudane's hand.
Jon Seattle: Thanks everyone.
Diderot Mirabeau: if you have any further questions to the Simplicity Party please come forward ... I'm available for chat and answering questions now
Flyingroc Chung: good job guys
Patroklus Murakami: i'm going to turn off the recorder now
Jon Seattle: I am also available via IM for any questions about the CSDF
The meeting closed at 14:10 Linden time.

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