Here is a direct quote from yesterday's debate:
Michel Manen: I do not believe in a politics of attacks and peresonal destruction. However,
Michel Manen: I compliment the current RA members for holding an RA meeting hours before the debate, minutes before the polls opened, to introduce bil that almost textually reproduce the innovative, participative , inclusive approach that CARE energised this elections with. I am told imitation is the best form of flattery. THe very fact that the current factions in the RA felt so urgently the need to meet today and introduce such bills goes only to porve that
Michel Manen: CARE?s proactive and dynamic campaign strategy . . .[/quote:2b4uqqkd]
The bill which passed, the "Citizen Involvement Bill" (no new bill was introduced) was proposed by CSDF representative Moon Adamant on 4 December.
Michel posted his first note "CARE Motto and Flag" in the CARE forum on 30 December so Moon's bill predates CARE:
The "Citizen Involvement Bill" was the product of hard work on Moon's part starting in early November. Moon wanted this bill to be in use for the judicial commission and it in fact informed the discussion leading to that commission. Much of our legislative agenda has been bogged down with issues relating to JA.
I have attached references to the RA official transcript that clearly show that the proposal was discussed in general terms from 11 November. Michel owes the RA and especially Moon Adamant an apology.
Jon Seattle
(From the transcript of the RA, 9 December, the top of: [url:2b4uqqkd] ... 006+Page+2[/url:2b4uqqkd] )
Moon Adamant: that corresponds to 9 PM -midnight in GMT, and 10 PM -1 AM for CET
Jon Seattle: I think that this bill is very much in the spirit of Moon's proposal concerning comittees and public participation
(From the transcript of the RA, 18 November:
[url:2b4uqqkd] ... 18%2C+2006[/url:2b4uqqkd] )
Pelanor Eldrich: Did Pat not decide to kill this?
Moon Adamant: actually, on this point and next point
Moon Adamant: we are working on a proposal
Ashcroft Burnham: The process ma be difficult, but the product might be worthwhile
Jon Seattle: yes, Pat requested we kill his proposal.
Moon Adamant: that - though not related to referenda - will enhance the citizens' participation in legislative process
Jon Seattle: Moon's will be more appropriate I think.
. . .
Moon Adamant: uit also will have the advantage of being a simpler proposal - referenda is a complex matter where we don't foresee any conclusion soon
Ashcroft Burnham: A committee would probably be the answer: it'd decide it, and then propose a bill to this assembly to modify the constitution to set the levels.
Moon Adamant: our proposal, Ash
Claude Desmoulins: Moon now that you're back, I have a question related to the Praetor proposal.
Claude Desmoulins: The original CN proposal mentions this position.
Claude Desmoulins: What was the thinking of the proposing group on this?
Moon Adamant: is justly so to regulate the appointment of work committees with consultive powers for legislative discussion
. . .
Ashcroft Burnham: Moon - like standing committees in the House of Commons?
Moon Adamant: first of all, we mut see that the CN project began to be assembled in May
Ashcroft Burnham: So, there'd be, for example, a "Prerator Bill committee"?
Moon Adamant: lol, two issues at same time...
Moon Adamant: to which shall i answer first?
Claude Desmoulins: Let's keep with committees.
Jon Seattle: Claude, are we on to the next item on the agenda?
Claude Desmoulins: Sorry.
Moon Adamant: ok, np
Moon Adamant: and hmmm Ash, not sure exactly what is a'standing committee' for the house of commons
Moon Adamant: but i suppose it may be something similar to what we have in portuguese parliament, so i would say yes
Ashcroft Burnham: It's a committee of MPs constituted temporarily to discuss a particular issue, usually a piece of proposed legislation.
Moon Adamant: but
Moon Adamant: ah yes
Moon Adamant: there is a difference in the CSDF proposal
Moon Adamant: and that is
Ashcroft Burnham: But your proposal allows non MRAs to join it?
Ashcroft Burnham: (The committees).
Moon Adamant: that any citizen can join a committee
Claude Desmoulins: Maybe this all needs to wait until we all see the CSDF proposal.
Moon Adamant: indeed
Ashcroft Burnham: Indeed...
(From the transcript of the RA, 11 November:
[url:2b4uqqkd] ... 006+Page+2[/url:2b4uqqkd] )
Jon Seattle: Moon is working on a much better proposal I think.
Claude Desmoulins: There we are.
Ashcroft Burnham: So, Jon, you believe that 4/5 members of the RA should have the power to increase their term of office indefinitely?
Ashcroft Burnham: Ohh - what's this proposal?
Justice Soothsayer: hearing no consensus, i move we table this
Claude Desmoulins: second.
Jon Seattle: Moon is not yet ready to present her proposal, but I support what I have heard so far. It is very very well done.
Claude Desmoulins: Any objection.
Claude Desmoulins: Is this the planning festival?
Jon Seattle: No.
Justice Soothsayer waits in suspense for Moon, who usually comes up with good ideas
Claude Desmoulins waits eagerly for whatever will be proposed.