The election results are [url=]posted[/url:3iyv4guh] on our web page, along with my remarks on the election results party. Folks in there have asked me to post some other statistics, so here we are:
44 people voted, of which 22 voted within the first 24 hours of polling.
The Borda scores are:
DPU: 82
CSDF: 77
Simplicity: 69
CARE: 36
DPU gets 2 seats, the rest gets 1 seat
The best rank votes were distributed this way:
CARE 9, CSDF 12, DPU 12, Simplicity 11
The second best votes were distributed this way:
CARE 3, CSDF 12, DPU 18, Simplicity 11
The third best votes were distributed this way:
CARE 3, CSDF 17, DPU 10, Simplicity 14
The last rank went this way:
CARE 29, CSDF 3, DPU 4, Simplicity 8
Thanks to everyone who participated.