Readers may note that I have been issued with a forum admin warning, from Diderot Mirabaeu, for calling Patroklus a bigot on the, apparently, shaky grounds that a person who holds offensive, unsubstantiated opinions and expresses them on a public forum might, actually, [i:f2bkszj3]be[/i:f2bkszj3] a bigot.
Diderot has now taken a personal message that I sent him on this matter and published it on these forums without informing me or gaining my consent, and chosen to interpret it as an appeal against his decision.
Patroklus has posted a response to say he isn't posting a response - a typical oxymoron - and when [i:f2bkszj3]I[/i:f2bkszj3] try to post a response I'm told that I'm not allowed to. Well why should I be? I'm only a landowner, citizen and voter. Who wants to hear from me? Certainly not the un-elected SC.
I propose that I, and anyone else who has the audacity to disagree with the established oldtimers, be permanently banned from this forum.