RL Country to open "embassy" in SL

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Diderot Mirabeau
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RL Country to open "embassy" in SL

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

According to this [url=http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/01/ ... p:2dpnxoho]news article[/url:2dpnxoho] the RL country of Sweden plans to open a so-called "embassy", which in reality will be just a tourist information office, in Second Life shortly.

I wonder if any of you have any idea where in SL the building will be based? They should be rich enough to buy their own sim of course although I can't help thinking it would be somewhat of a scoop if we could entice them to open up somewhere in the CDS.

Of course I think personally that the whole idea of "embassies" belongs to another time and era and that Sweden by using that term are just showing how little they understand the possibilities of the new medium. Much like the "must have one too" brochure websites that everybody and his dog scrambled to establish back in '95.

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Great idea! :D hahah, if we have space for it ... "The building is set to open in the coming weeks and will be a replica of the House of Sweden embassy that opened last year in Washington, D.C."
[img:5y7qlm2k]http://www.designbuild-network.com/proj ... EDEN-1.jpg[/img:5y7qlm2k]

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