[b:3gl9d6q0]Bill Establishing The New Guild [/b:3gl9d6q0]
In order to grow the CDS requires skilled designers who can create regions, buildings, and furnishings that will attract others to move to our community. At the same time, CDS projects that involve the development of new sim regions provide an opportunity for citizens to gain design skills that will contribute to the CDS economy.
The structure of the CDS supports large projects that provide an opportunity for the citizens to develop design skills. This is a fundamental goal of the original Guild that can now be addressed in the new organization.
This bill establishes a new Guild that is designed to serve as a center for design skills and activities needed for CDS expansion.
[b:3gl9d6q0]New Guild [/b:3gl9d6q0]
A new organization called the Guild will be chartered by the CDS. The Guild will be a a community chartered voluntary organization and will not be a branch of government. The Guild's role is advisory only. All projects that involve the expenditure of public funds must be approved by the CDS government.
The new Guild will have the following responsibilities:
1. To organize, plan, and execute the construction of new simulator regions, extending CDS territory.
2. To provide continuing hands-on education in: building, design, architecture, scripting and the development of external software used to support in-world activities. To provide certification in these skills.
This education must be free to all citizens who are willing to work on CDS sponsored projects, and may be made available to non-citizens willing to pay tuition.
3. To provide technical advice and services to the office of the chancellor and the RA as needed to maintain and develop CDS regions.
4. To acquire and manage resources needed by citizens for building and design such as sandbox areas and prim banks. To set rules for the use of these resources.
The Guild will be governed by two committees:
1. The faculty committee will design the curriculum for continuing education, decide on artistic and technical capabilities a student must demonstrate to obtain certification and will set procedures and standards for the design and construction of new simulator regions.
Membership on the faculty committee will depend only on artistic, technical, and pedagogical skills. Membership will not be limited to citizens of the CDS.
2. The administrative board will manage Guild resources, land, and buildings, set policies and procedures both for the Guild and for the school, and organize work groups to respond to requests of the CDS, or others. The board represents the Guild in all dealings with the CDS.
The Guild will be self-governing except that the RA will have the power to remove any member of the administrative board if required to insure that the Guild fulfill this charter.