Moon Adamant: if you look at caledon map
Michel Manen: yes
Moon Adamant: you can see sims that have continuity
Michel Manen: yes
Sudane Erato: yes
Patroklus Murakami: the ppl who end up implementing the last sims on the map may not yet even be in the CDS yet
Moon Adamant: but for instance, all the northern row has a cluster character
Sudane Erato: yes, varies from sim to sim
Moon Adamant: it ends on a shoreline... no connections left to anything further north
Michel Manen: yes
Moon Adamant: the sim with the round road
Moon Adamant: has continuity on the east and west
Sudane Erato: yes
Michel Manen: victoria city their main city
Moon Adamant: but the one on the north was a bit hammered in
Sudane Erato: N and S too
Sudane Erato: i see
Moon Adamant: you can notice that
Michel Manen: yes isee
Patroklus Murakami: hmm ok, i think i see
Jon Seattle: Sorry.. everyone overslept
Patroklus Murakami: hi jon
Sudane Erato:
Moon Adamant: because you see that the northern shoreline is suspiciously linear .)
Moon Adamant: hi Jon )
Moon Adamant hugs Jon
Michel Manen: yes it is
Jon Seattle hugs Moon
Jon Seattle: Hi everyone
Sudane Erato: hi Jon
Michel Manen: hi jon
Moon Adamant: so
Ulysse Alexandre: hi jon
Jon Seattle: Hi Pat, Sudane. Michel, Ulysse
Moon Adamant: what we must look after is that if we have clusters
Moon Adamant: to always provide connection and hmm geographical coherence between them
Sudane Erato: yes
Michel Manen: absolutely
Moon Adamant: thus the blues and red
Patroklus Murakami: so we don't end up looking like caledon?
Moon Adamant: they are essential for that too
Moon Adamant: lol
Sudane Erato: heaven forbid!
Moon Adamant: you know... i nevre could catch their train? .D
Sudane Erato: hehe
Moon Adamant: ok
Michel Manen: i know this sounds silly, but I bought a horse, and rode Caledon rom east to west - its really an amazing feeling to cross ten simss like that..... we should plan with that in mind maybe
Moon Adamant: let me give you my personal pinion once again
Patroklus Murakami: that sounds like fun michel, i agree with planning in that kind of experience
Moon Adamant: i feel that CN and NFS are geographically linked
Michel Manen: our advantage would be
Michel Manen: that we could pass difentccites and cultures
Moon Adamant: so they would become a sort of large cluster on their own
Moon Adamant: BUT
Moon Adamant: we must plan so in all sides, we may reach water level
Michel Manen: yes
Moon Adamant: the issue here
Sudane Erato: yes
Patroklus Murakami: i agree
Moon Adamant: is again NFS
Moon Adamant: which was planned without taking it into mind
Jon Seattle: what is NFS's base height?
Sudane Erato: about 150
Jon Seattle: oh my!
Moon Adamant: oh, it's somewhere around the hmmm 130
Moon Adamant: yes
Sudane Erato: but it varies hugely
Moon Adamant: yup
Moon Adamant: castle hill is on the 200s
Michel Manen: smiles
Sudane Erato: you can see in the pix
Patroklus Murakami: that's only a problem if we want habitable land E of NFS. we could go higher to the E and build a waterfall void sim
Sudane Erato: the beige square is a 0
Jon Seattle: I suspect that a variation of about 50m is common for sims with mountains and sea.
Moon Adamant: i remember that when i did a basic survey of it
Moon Adamant: yes
Moon Adamant: but one thing we do know
Moon Adamant: from CN experience
Patroklus Murakami: oh, so 150 would be too much?
Moon Adamant: we need two sims around NFS to reach water height
Jon Seattle: lol. 150 is more than half the sim's width
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: yes
Sudane Erato: i agree Moon
Moon Adamant: which gives an awful inclination - if you went along in just one sim
Ulysse Alexandre: And you don't thing about cliff
Ulysse Alexandre: like Dover
Michel Manen: yes
Sudane Erato:
Moon Adamant: we can have cliffs Ulysse
Patroklus Murakami: don't the sims to the NE and SE of NFS sufer from the same problem?
Moon Adamant: but
Sudane Erato: you could have SOME cliffs
Moon Adamant: you can't, firt of all, have a very tall diference between the ground poligons
Patroklus Murakami: (well. maybe not SE...)
Michel Manen: but the red sim moon, what would be its ideal topography in your opinion?
Sudane Erato: yes...
Moon Adamant: that is, the terrain isn't infinetely elastic
Sudane Erato: and the bottom of a cliff is economically undesireable
Moon Adamant: in my opinion, red sim must slope down from valley and two hills in nfs to join CN height
Ulysse Alexandre: but you gain prims
Moon Adamant: indeed Sudane
Sudane Erato: yes
Michel Manen: so an entirely land sim?
Sudane Erato: the red one, yes
Michel Manen: ok
Sudane Erato: i would say
Michel Manen: thats good to know
Moon Adamant: it needs to accomodate the CN river
Sudane Erato: oh!
Moon Adamant: see that it bends into red sim
Sudane Erato: at the NE corner
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: so it may be just a bit - but that river needs continuity also
Moon Adamant: now
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: my proposal
Ulysse Alexandre: or you maybe trasform it in a fjord
Moon Adamant: let's look at this one carefully for the 28th
Jon Seattle: I have a technical question. What happens if you have a land sim but set the water level higher and form an interiour lake? That way you get some Linden water.
Moon Adamant: you can do that, of coure
Sudane Erato: yes, that would work
Jon Seattle: So an alpine lake may be possible.
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: and we can do it also at some landlocked sims
Sudane Erato: so long as it does not connect to the infinite sea
Moon Adamant: yup
Patroklus Murakami: hi chicago
Sudane Erato: hi Chicago!
Moon Adamant: hi Chicago
Jon Seattle: Hi Chicago
Michel Manen: hi
Chicago Kipling: Greetings all
Ulysse Alexandre: hi
Moon Adamant: regional ,master plan commision
Sudane Erato: actually, technically speaking,,
Sudane Erato: its the Estate master plan
Moon Adamant: let me try and do something too
Patroklus Murakami: how is everybody fixed for time? i need to get going in about half an hour. should we aim to finish by half past?
Sudane Erato: a region is one sim
Jon Seattle: What happens if you have a sim that is high altitude but adjancent to the sea (like NSF). Will thre be any visual indication of a higher water level?
Sudane Erato: Jon. it looks terrible
Sudane Erato: i can explain later
Jon Seattle: Okay
Sudane Erato: ahh... thumbtacks
Moon Adamant: trying to mark elevations roughly
Moon Adamant: each level more or less 30 m
Moon Adamant: need a few more for NFS
Sudane Erato: yes... hehe... a few
Sudane Erato: Moon, for 3D, the map should really be flat
Sudane Erato: i mean
Sudane Erato: on the ground
Moon Adamant: hm?
Sudane Erato: horizontal instaed of vertical
Moon Adamant: sorry
Moon Adamant: i don't understand .(
Moon Adamant: ah
Jon Seattle: Ah, better to put the map on the floor
Moon Adamant: you want me to place it on the ground isntead?
Michel Manen: its easier to seee height if you put the map on the floor?
Jon Seattle:
Patroklus Murakami: yes
Sudane Erato: its hard to see the impact of elevation when it is represented perpendicular to reality
Moon Adamant: yes
Moon Adamant: sorry, i am just so used to cam in weird angles around everything i forgot
Patroklus Murakami: yes, that's better
Moon Adamant: mind you - this is not a true scale map
Moon Adamant: since vertical and horizontal proportions aren't the same
Moon Adamant: ok... extremely roughly
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: you see the ammount of slope we have to CN
Moon Adamant: and on the other directiosn as well
Patroklus Murakami: ok, so this shows us that we need two sims to the E of NFS to reach the shore. what about NE of NFS? that looks like it would be pretty steep too unless we have two sims to the E of the red one
Moon Adamant: well hmmm
Ulysse Alexandre: If you connect NFS to CN it is like a street of San Fransisco
Patroklus Murakami: hehe, i like it ulysse
Moon Adamant: btw, purple prim is platz level
Michel Manen: ot like a slope in coastal spain
Michel Manen: goiong from the mouuntains of the interior to the coastline
Michel Manen: or even Vancouver. .smiles
Moon Adamant: what we must recall is
Moon Adamant: higly sloped terrain can become unsaleable
Moon Adamant: or even terribly difficult to use even if public land
Moon Adamant: consider the prim lots terrain in NFS
Jon Seattle: Yes, and also takes up space in a way that will make a sim appear smaller.
Patroklus Murakami: would the slope be steeper than on the NFS valley slope?
Moon Adamant: we can of course create that terrain - but we must be careful, because we may be conditioning future sim proposals
Moon Adamant: let me see if i can remind my reckoning
Moon Adamant: i did calculate the median slope for the red sim once
Ulysse Alexandre: Between CN and NFS it is like the real position between a medieval city on a hill and a roman town in the plain...
Moon Adamant: considering a straight road connecting valley and decumanum
Moon Adamant: so we would have 60m/256m
Moon Adamant: roughly
Moon Adamant: which is 23% - a bit more inclined than a roof here
TOPGenosse Brouwer: good morning everyone
Patroklus Murakami: hi TOP
Chicago Kipling: Hello Top
Ulysse Alexandre: hi
Moon Adamant: but that's median between the lowest point in NFS and decumanum inclusion
Patroklus Murakami: Regional Planning Commission, feel free to join us
Moon Adamant: hi Top
Chicago Kipling: Could we instead soften the edge of the two sims with a bluff or cliff and a path that went from the castle highlands to the lowlands?
Moon Adamant: hm
Ulysse Alexandre: But the Cardo of CN is about 50
Chicago Kipling: That might leave most of the new sim saleable
Jon Seattle: So the alternative is two sims as 12%, if only half the land is sloped, 23% for that half?
Moon Adamant: oh, i am not worried by red sim
Moon Adamant: and chicago - tricky to suggest altering topography in terrains that are private
Patroklus Murakami: i'm going to have to depart soon. lunch is on its way and i'll get *very* dirty looks from the chef if i remain online
Moon Adamant: yes, i can't be here much longer either
Patroklus Murakami: how shall we bring the discussion to a conclusion?
Moon Adamant: well, we can draft several conclusions already
Moon Adamant: namely
Patroklus Murakami: given that we are charged with presenting a draft plan to the RA by 28 Feb?
Moon Adamant: that you do need to have two sims always brodering NFS to reach waterlevel
Patroklus Murakami listens to moon
Moon Adamant: that water level should be considered the new standard - as soon as we can dissolve the NFS pre-existence
Moon Adamant: there, let me mark the other sims
Jon Seattle: It seems to me that that is a constraint. Given that constraint, what do we want the eventual continent to look like? We could make NFS geographically central or deal with it by placing it on an edge.
Moon Adamant: that's teh cluster discussion
TOPGenosse Brouwer: Could someone pls quickly explain blue/light blue / green to me?
Moon Adamant: 14 sims atm
Michel Manen: yes
Moon Adamant: well, these are just functional colours
Jon Seattle: One way to think about it is to choose a point in the future, say, when CDS is eight sims and four voids and see what can be done with that.
TOPGenosse Brouwer: so not the order in which way to expand.
Moon Adamant: and the colours only refer to my opinion on what sims are specially important
Patroklus Murakami: well, to summarise. we've had a good discussion about the issues involved in expansion
Michel Manen: indeed
Moon Adamant: and this is only geographical expansion
Patroklus Murakami: we've considered some of the issues involved in extending our current territory, the elevation of NFS being one of them
Sudane Erato: yes!
Moon Adamant: the elevation of NFS is the major constrain atm
Patroklus Murakami: we've talked about the need for void sims and for balance between void and fully inhabited sims
Michel Manen: and the fact that this commission should present the RA with verious choices based on diffrent variables
Moon Adamant: one thing i can try to do is
TOPGenosse Brouwer nods -- hm hm -- counting on quite some support for void sims?
Patroklus Murakami: we've discussed the constraints placed on us by the sims in existence around us, the eventual need to relocate to realise an Estate plan, and the cost of maintaining squared on the land map to do so
Moon Adamant: i still have, i think, the 3D visualizations i did for CN plan
Moon Adamant: so if i can manage to install cad again, i can pull them on current locations
Michel Manen: im sorry every one i have to leave now.... good bye all
Moon Adamant: and that will give us a better view
Patroklus Murakami: we've discussed 'clustering' v 'continuous' development and the need for our plan to be flexible to cope with changing needs
Sudane Erato: bye Michel
Patroklus Murakami: bye michel and thanks
TOPGenosse Brouwer: bye Michel
Moon Adamant: bye Michel
Jon Seattle: Bye Michel
Ulysse Alexandre: bye
Patroklus Murakami: and we've discussed some of the options the RA needs to consider depending on whether the priority is territorial or population expansion
Patroklus Murakami: now, what we need is a proposal (with options) for the RA to consider
TOPGenosse Brouwer: all that before coming wednesday? 8-D
Patroklus Murakami: so, on the basis of the discussion so far, we need a small group of volunteers to work up a fuller plan
Moon Adamant: i have time from Monday on
Patroklus Murakami: ty moon
Jon Seattle: I would like to work on that too.
Moon Adamant: and not this wednesday, but the other
TOPGenosse Brouwer: all these 'sims' surrounding NFS & CN *look so goooood*
Sudane Erato: i'll like to try to help... but
Patroklus Murakami: any other volunteers? ty jon
Sudane Erato: i'll try Pat
Moon Adamant: thanks Jon and Sudane )
Patroklus Murakami: ty sudane
Ulysse Alexandre: I am not enough experienced to be usefull, I suppose?
TOPGenosse Brouwer: Pat > I'll try to say something sensible about it
Patroklus Murakami: i'll post our discussion on the forums so that others can contribute/read our deliberations
Moon Adamant: oh, mind also one thing
Moon Adamant: IF
Patroklus Murakami: all help gratefully received ulysse
Moon Adamant: all future sim plans have a non-theme area such as CN has
Xander Barbosa has indicated consent to be recorded.
Patroklus Murakami: hmm, why would that be moon?
Moon Adamant: the new themes can connect directly within one sim distance from NFS
Patroklus Murakami: buffer zones?
Moon Adamant: yes
Jon Seattle: Oh, Ulysse, I think that jumping in is the best way to learn
Ulysse Alexandre: Thank you
Moon Adamant: adn thanks Ulysse also .)
Patroklus Murakami: moon, could you also post the graphics we've been referring to so that ppl can follow the discussion? i'm not sure if we can publish desmond's 'grand plan' for caledon though
Moon Adamant: hm, i can try
Patroklus Murakami: just the twelve we had up at the start with the red and blue ones marked
Patroklus Murakami: that way ppl can follow our discussion
Moon Adamant: ok, lol
Moon Adamant: will have to do that again
Patroklus Murakami: i'll report back to teh RA tomorrow
Patroklus Murakami: do we need to meet again? if so, when (and I'm away 19-26 feb)
Moon Adamant: well, perhaps on the 27th then?
The meeting closed at 6:38 Linden time.
N.B. We agreed to meet at [i:2lwnm1kh]3pm[/i:2lwnm1kh] on Tuesday 27 February in the Praetorium, Colonia Nova after the meeting adjourned.
[b:2lwnm1kh]***Meeting rescheduled for 3pm on Wednesday 28 Feb in the Praetorium, Colonia Nova.***[/b:2lwnm1kh]