The MoCA - Donating works of art.MoCA is accepting right now

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The MoCA - Donating works of art.MoCA is accepting right now

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[i:1zn1fsq1]Right now, it's the time to actually donate those items that we talked about. The museum will be very happy to accept them.[/i:1zn1fsq1]

[b:1zn1fsq1](1)[/b:1zn1fsq1] We have set up an alt account, especially for the museum: "MoCAso Oh". Please contact curator Delia Lake or me to arrange a meeting with MoCAso.

[b:1zn1fsq1](2)[/b:1zn1fsq1] We've tried to handle MoCA business as professional as possible, including specifying what the museum can and cannot do with donated works of art. Therefore,

when you [b:1zn1fsq1]donate[/b:1zn1fsq1] art you agree to the agreement here:
[url:1zn1fsq1] ... rks+of+Art[/url:1zn1fsq1]
This is MoCA's basic donation form, with space to accommodate special donation conditions or licenses.

If you wish to [b:1zn1fsq1]loan[/b:1zn1fsq1] art instead of donate, one of these forms will be applicable, depending on whether you are the owner or the artist:
[url:1zn1fsq1] ... t+by+Owner[/url:1zn1fsq1]
[url:1zn1fsq1] ... +by+Artist[/url:1zn1fsq1]

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Please get in touch with Delia Lake, MoCAso Oh or TOPGenosse Brouwer to get these donations and loans done!
Thank you, -- TOPGenosse Brouwer, as assistant curator.

[size=75:1zn1fsq1]Note: Besides the URLs with IP numbers, these documents are available here: ... rks+of+Art ... t+by+Owner ... +by+Artist

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Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[i:1s38z68w]The above still applies ofcourse![/i:1s38z68w]

[size=84:1s38z68w]- - - - -
In the mean time in the MoCA:
[A guy walks into the museum with his dick hanging out of his pants]
[After typing 10 sentences mr. Roleplay finally realizes his Glockenspiel is stuck between the zipper]
janthonyh1993 Boucher: How would you like a slave to do all your hard work for you
[8:38] You: Slavery is against our virtual constitution
[8:38] janthonyh1993 Boucher: what about a lacky? I don't wish to be paid
[8:41] You: I don't mean to be rude, but you probably first need to get some practice since you're so new in SL, and if you join our sim after that (if you like it ... perhaps you don't) then you're absolutely welcome tohelp.
[8:41] janthonyh1993 Boucher grasp top's ass and say you can pay me in sex
<While Janthony luckily misses an attempt for TOP's ass, TOP figures out where the ban-menu's are .. >
I think Delia has no problem with missing this scene ;-)[/size:1s38z68w]

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