Somebody previously proposed that the theme for the next sim be the islamic civilisation present in parts of Spain for several centuries (Al Andalus). I was initially skeptical about the idea but after watching [url= ... 5:2xj6e0tw]this documentary[/url:2xj6e0tw] on Google Video it is clear for me how appropriate it would be for us to pursue this theme. I'd recommend that people watch the video since it seems to me to be of quite high quality (both in content and in resolution) - do be aware however that it is 1 hour and 42 minutes long so you need to set aside some time to get through it.
I cannot help but notice that Michel's most recent proposal of a topography resembling that of the rock of Granada would also be aptly appropriate for building a city fortress in Al Andalusian style considering that Granada was the last stronghold of this great culture in Europe. It would also go nice with a waterfall