Poor Lost and Abandonded Copybot :lol:

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Samantha Fuller
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Poor Lost and Abandonded Copybot :lol:

Post by Samantha Fuller »

Yesterday morning i loged in and poped over to the Anzer Infohub. And encountered what first appeared to be the disapering AV bug but as i moved the camera around portions of things disapeared. :shock: On investigatingi found a large Invisiprim was obscuing things, I then wandered why autoreturn diden't take care of it. Fuather investigation revealed it was atached to an unresponsive AV. :roll: I then pushed the ofender of the platform :) AR'd it sent a warning out over group chanels and because i had other things to do loged out. When i was able to log in later that night it was gone.

On reflection I think it was probly an stealthed Land swoop bot , or copybot that was lost and randomly asigned to a infohub then stranded by a sim failure & the No script and Nobuild settings of the Infohub. :lol:

Here have some rope, its free! :)
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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Weird story :-)

PIO & RA > Please log on in "Anzere" today or tomorrow and take a look at the great work that Samantha has done so far. Visually it's already so much better!

Now it's time to help her with the content:
- List of SL topics to cover with pictures or text would be useful
- List of CDS topics to cover incl. one-liners.
- Where to offer room for info from CDS merchants <-- IMO it should be there in some modest way.

Trying to make this mainland parcel part of the CDS: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tethys/64/158/72/
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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[size=84:qmnlw52j]<a bump because this is more important than the wall .. sorry moderators 8) and D.M. in particular>[/size:qmnlw52j]

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Pelanor Eldrich
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Awesome! Thanks for buffing up the Infohub

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Ok, so I haven't been in world to see it, but I take TOP's word for it.
Samantha and TOP: Thanks for all of your CDS beautification efforts. They are much appreciated. -Pel

Pelanor Eldrich
Principal - Eldrich Financial
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