Following on from my offer to code an administration system for the CDS. ([url=http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewtop ... 4:h29ksgdv]Original Thread[/url:h29ksgdv])
Firstly a quick recap as to why I made the offer. I'd like to own land in the CDS as two separate avatars (needless to say my philosophy is "Each avatar is special"), but have fallen foul of the current lack of a means to administer this situation. Especially from the perspective of its impact on Voting in the CDS. Sudane offered to change this restriction providing I could provide her with a tool to manage this.
From a development perspective the first step towards designing the system is to get an agreed Narrative Requirements Specification (NRS). That is, a clear description of what the CDS Admin System is meant to do.
With this in mind I made an attempt at writing the NRS and emailed it to Sudane and Gwyneth for comments and expansion. Although both Sudane and Gwyneth agreed that this was the right way to go about it, but for various reasons they have been unable to respond. Sudane has suggested that I [b:h29ksgdv]open it up to the community for discussion[/b:h29ksgdv]. As a newcomer to the CDS I'm not very familiar with the various regulations and unwritten business rules of the CDS and have placed questions in [] throughout the NRS.
[b:h29ksgdv]-- Begin NRS --[/b:h29ksgdv]
The CDS (Confederation of Democratic Simulators) is a set of Second Life simulators run by the CDS community along the lines of a Democracy. However, voting in Second Life poses specific challenges. The ability to have multiple avatars (aka Alts) makes it possible for one person (RL) to corrupt the process by voting numerous times. With this in mind the CDS has strict rules about which Second Life, more specifically CDS residents are allowed to vote in CDS elections.
In order to qualify as a voter (Citizen) in the CDS you must own land on a CDS owned simulator or mainland, either as a member of a group or as an individual. There are also restrictions as to how much land any person may own. [Can you clarify this from the perspective of rl person vs sl avatar vs sl alts vs sl group given this administration system is used]
From the above it is clear that not every owner of land in the CDS should necessarily be a voter in the CDS. For example, any Alts shouldn't be able to vote, likewise by current rules, not every member of a group owning land qualifies either. (This is currently dealt with by restricting the group size?)
Another complication is brought in by Factions. Factions are Second Life groups [that ... please fill in?] [Can you belong to a faction without being a land owner? Are factions allowed to own land and how much?]
The CDS Admin system is intended to help Sudane (or her future replacement) keep track of CDS Citizens (Voters), their land ownership including checking constraints, and provide reports to assist Sudane in administering the CDS.
With this in mind there are three sets of avatars we are interested in; those SL Residents who are implicated with the CDS {SL Residents}, the subset of SL Residents who own land in the CDS {CDS Residents} (via Avatar, Alt or Group), and lastly the subset of CDS Residents who are actually eligible to vote {CDS Citizens}. [Are you comfortable with this distinction between 'Citizens' & 'Residents'?]
In order to determine the CDS Citizens we need a list of all the CDS Residents, either as individuals owning land or as members of a group owning land. We then need a way to determine which of these qualify as Citizens (voters). [What are the rules for this?]
Lastly the system needs the ability to produce specific reports as determined by Sudane/Gwyneth. [Can you elaborate on this]
[b:h29ksgdv]-- End NRS --[/b:h29ksgdv]
Lastly, there is also the question as to whether this system is even required. Personally I would simply like to own land as separate avatars and to enable this I am willing to write the system to manage it. If there is no need for this system I'm happy to NOT work on it. I'll just have to spend my Lindens elsewhere