Minutes RA Meeting April 9, 2022

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Minutes RA Meeting April 9, 2022

Post by Jerry McNally »

Eighth Representative Assembly Meeting of the 36th Term
Saturday April 9 2022, 12:00 SLT

Attending: Almut Brunswick (LRA), Cathy Sabre, Jerry McNally, Rosie Gray
Also attending: Agatha Macbeth, Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane), Lilith Ivory, Sylvia Tamalyn, Tor Karlsvalt

1. Administrative Business
1.1 Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was revised following identification of a minor error. Motion to approve the agenda as revised. Rosie 1st, Cathy 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

1.2 Review and approval of the Minutes of the Sixth RA Meeting on March 5, 2022
Motion to approve the minutes as presented. Cathy 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

1.3 Review of the Minutes of the informal RA Meeting on March 19, 2022
The notes were reviewed and no issues were forthcoming.

2. Executive Report
Chancellor Tor Karlsvalt informed the Assembly of two new members of the CDS community, Kate Audran and Ealdian Resident, offsetting a recent loss. The Assembly was pleased to hear that at least one of the new arrivals was introduced to the CDS via Tor's SL Land Forum posts, and encouraged him to continue. An ad for Locus Amoenus is currently being developed.

3. Land-Use Commission Report
Cathy has been developing a map of Neufreistadt underground, which will be shared at the next LUC meeting.

4. Old Business
4.1. Eduverse (formerly: Eduland) Project Status
The LRA noted the positive nature of the recent well-attended meeting with Madori Linden and Elli Pinion of the VWEC project, who visited the CDS to answer a range of questions from the citizenry about joining the VWEC Eduverse (transcript). The Chancellor asked the Representative Assembly to hold a referendum concerning the question of whether CDS should join the VWEC Eduverse and if the estate should be moved to the Eduverse reserve. Motion to accept the Chancellor's request. Cathy 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried. There followed a discussion on the nature of the referendum question and whether joining the Eduverse requires a move to the reserve or not. Motion that Almut, Jerry, Tor and Kyoko draft the Referendum text at a later meeting. Rosie 1st, Almut 2nd, all in favour, motion carried. The Assembly agreed that the resulting Referendum text will be brought back before them and voted on, at either their next scheduled meeting or earlier.

4.2 Proposed Revised Constitution
Motion to table until the next Representative Assembly meeting. Rosie 1st, Almut 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

5. New Business
5.1 Proposal of the Chancellor to vote for raising the Tier by 11 Percent
In order to respond to the Linden Lab sales tax announcement, the Chancellor submitted his proposal to raise the Tier and directed the Assembly to the CDS Master Parcel List spreadsheet, showing how the proposed tax increase affects individual parcels. Tor explained that this increase, if allowed, would counteract the introduction of the sales tax and would enable the rebuilding of a healthy USD reserve. Motion to allow the Chancellor to raise the Tier by 11 percent across the board with effect from April 30, and to protect tier payments made before that date at the old rate. Cathy 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

6. Citizen Concerns
No concerns.

7. RA Member Concerns
No concerns.

8. Announcements
Calendar: https://cdsdemocracy.org

9. Next RA meeting
Saturday, April 23 at 12:00 SLT.

10. Adjourn
Adjourned at 14:06 SLT.

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