[color=blue:3sxdr97v][size=150:3sxdr97v][i:3sxdr97v]The MoCA team invites you to:[/i:3sxdr97v][/size:3sxdr97v]
[img:3sxdr97v]http://schallplatten.files.wordpress.co ... _small.jpg[/img:3sxdr97v]
If you enjoy excellent contemporary art, we invite you to join us at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) Neufreistadt for our Grand Opening Celebrations on March 23 (at 1pm PDT, repeated at 7 pm PDT). At MoCA, you will find a rich selection of paintings, digital art, sculpture and video from some of the best artists Second Life has to offer.
In addition, MoCA will have featured art events and gallery talks scheduled throughout this exhibit's 8 week run from [i:3sxdr97v]March 23 through May 17, 2007.[/i:3sxdr97v]
[size=150:3sxdr97v]1. [/size:3sxdr97v] - Sunday, March 25, 12 noon SLT
Golam Amadeus, Sculptor and Painter
[b:3sxdr97v]Gallery talk at MoCA[/b:3sxdr97v]
[size=150:3sxdr97v]2.[/size:3sxdr97v] - Saturday, March 30
[b:3sxdr97v]Sculpture Walk[/b:3sxdr97v]
Neufreistadt Valley
[size=150:3sxdr97v]3.[/size:3sxdr97v] - Sunday, April 15, 12 noon, SLT
AldoManutio Abruzzo, Composer
[b:3sxdr97v]Electric Guitar Recital at MoCA[/b:3sxdr97v]
[i:3sxdr97v]With more to come...[/i:3sxdr97v]
MoCA Neufreistadt Trustees and Volunteer Staff
Chicago Kipling, Trustee
Rubaiyat Shatner, Trustee
Delia Lake, Curator
TOPGenosse Brouwer, Assistant Curator
And many helpful people we've forgotten[/color:3sxdr97v]
[color=orange:3sxdr97v](For new citizens: MoCA is the "ugly" soviet sarcophagus in Neufreistadt)[/color:3sxdr97v]