While I am sympathetic to some of Jon's concerns, and said so here:
http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 062#p11892
I believe this bill is hastily drafted and premature, for the following reasons.
I have an alternative suggestion to this knee-jerk approach, below.
1. Generically I do not think that legislation with a lot of stakeholders should be written on a Friday and adopted the next Sunday with no meaningful chance for input. This is true generally, but is even more so when the legislation being modified was itself the transparent, long-debated work of a publicized official commission.
I'm unable to attend Sunday's RA meeting, being on vacation. Can't imagine that many other people with day jobs have had time to think about this either. Unfortunately, as I am not available, I feel I need to take time off from that vacation to at least provide this response.
2. As for Jon's paragraph 1: Sentence 1 reads "The Chancellor should submit a map listing all commercial plots in all sims." I can see no objection to that -- and was going to do so anyway.
3. Sentences 2 and 3 of Jon's paragraph 1 read: "A map of commercial plots must be approved by the RA so as to make unambiguous the plots that are subject to regulation under the bill. All future changes must likewise be approved by the RA." There is no danger of "ambiguity" because the original Commerce Commission bill specified that commercial lots cannot suffer enforcement, unless clearly marked as such in the LAND LOT metadata. (Not much risk that the landowner can miss that.)
Now, whether the RA should reserve to itself the right to decide which lots are commercial, as Jon wishes, is a political matter for the RA. However, if the RA wishes to take that over, I'd appreciate being given a chance to make a proposal first. As I've already reported, the old RA directed the former Chancellor to get all commercial plots marked by 1 August. For various reasons, it didn't happen; I already indicated that I expect to be done by 1 September.
4. Jon's paragraph 2 says "The RA will accept applications for the organization known as the Chamber of Commerce under the bill. Application will be open to all organizations that wish to fill this role. No organization shall be considered the Chamber of Commerce under this bill unless its charter, and all future changes, is approved by the RA."
I am disappointed by the tone and approach of this and paragraph 3. It reads like Jon's terrified that a FrankenChamber will rampage through the countryside, destroying all fairness and commerce in CDS, with the weak chancellor and stupid constitution unable to stop the terror, animated by the Evil Mad Doctor Lundquist, unless the RA rides in on its white horse to save us all. Please. I expect better behavior and a more collaborative tone from ALL of you this term.
The idea that the Chamber should be an accredited NGO, with a charter approved by the RA, is a fine idea! But there is a calmer, decorous way to do so. I suggest how below.
The idea that the RA should take applications for an NGO is anticonstitutional, as well as unnecessary and possibly meanspirited. (To me the bill reads as follows: MT and The Princess started a chamber so it must be evil .. let's give it to the CSDF-run RA, which must be good. Feh. Sorry, Jon, both assumptions are wrong on multiple counts, and I'm offended.) Let's be clear:
-- MT is acting as convener because the RA ASKED him to, which is utterly apt, as he was an unfailingly productive RA member, the chair of the successful commission, and the bill's author.
-- I have been working with him on the timing because that's my job, to prod and make things happen. There have been some actions already started to form the chamber. They include a proposed draft charter: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 062#p11892 It's a draft! Hold the drama please.
-- The RA is not supposed to run NGOs. It's supposed to approve NGO charters and then butt out. I will oppose this provision as unconstitutional if it is adopted.
5. Jon's paragraph 3 says: "The Chamber of Commerce under the legislation is required to follow an approved charter at all times and in all procedures. Any violation of the approved procedures will result in immediate removal of the Chamber of Commerce as an approved organization able to carry out the role described in the bill." This is a punitive, absurd, overdefensive rule. This is not how CDS deals with NGOs, nor should.
As I suggest below, the RA should review and approve a Chamber charter. An NGO that violates its charter can get into trouble under *existing* law, which is sufficient without creating a new special thumbscrew for NGOs being convened by people you don't like. I will oppose this provision as unconstitutional if it is adopted. It is structurally the wrong way, and a discriminatory way, to handle NGOs in CDS law.
5. Jon's paragraph 4, sentence 1 says: "No organization may be considered a Chamber of Commerce under the Commerce Bill unless it provides voting rights on an equal basis to all CDS citizens who maintain business offices (including offices on non-commercial property) or are involved in administering non-profit organizations in the CDS, no matter where actual financial transactions or work takes place. " I suggest that all of the above provisions can be properly placed in an NGO charter for the Chamber, approved by the RA. If Jon wants to argue for radically different Chamber charter rules, great -- as a citizen he's more than welcome to do so. But let's do it in the usual way, as part of a charter drafting and approval process, not with cruise-missile preemption with personal tones to it.
6. Jon's paragraph 4, sentence 1 says: "The Chamber may not discriminate against service, consulting, or non-profit organizations." That may need review: the language describing expanded types 'commercial' use should carefully harmonized with the language of the original bill itself. Let's not create a new list of quasi-commercial uses, with different words, every time we discuss this subject. That would be bad legislative drafting.
As a constructive alternative, I suggest that the RA adopt a rather shorter and simpler bill along these lines:
1. The CDS Chamber of Commerce will be operational once an NGO charter is approved by the RA.
2. The RA requests that MT Lundquist, who has been asked to serve as convener, use one or more initial organizational meetings for the Chamber to formulate a draft charter, take citizen input, and bring a final version to the RA for approval by [date (ask MT)], 2008.
3. The RA instructs the Chancellor to provide a map or list of all CDS parcels that are proposed to be zoned "commercial" by 1 September 2008; and not to mark parcels as commercial or impose penalty rents against them until that map has been reviewed by the RA.
Regards Jamie P
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.