Request for Proposal: Design of a New CDS Sim

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Anna Toussaint
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Request for Proposal: Design of a New CDS Sim

Post by Anna Toussaint »

This is a request for proposal of designs for a new CDS sim, to be located to the East of Neufriestadt (NFS). The sim will be a full sim, offering double-prims.


1) The overall theme shall be Medieval German, along the same lines as NFS itself. The design will be created so that the landscape flows seamlessly with the existing sims in regards to elevation and terrascaping.

2) In addition, because of economic considerations, certain guidelines with regard to the ratio of public to private lands must be observed:

(a) To account for incomplete occupancy, a minimum of $360 should be collected per month. At the current rate of $0.0278/prim per month, this results in a minimum of 12,950 prims that are privately owned (i.e., that we collect tier on).

(b) A double-prim parcel is allotted 0.457 prims per square meter; thus the minimum land in private hands must be 28,337 square meters. Given that there are 65536 square meters in a simulation, that leaves a maximum of 37,199 square meters of public land.

(c) A minimum of 28,337 square meters (12,950 prims) in private parcels and 37,199 square meters (and 2050 prims) in public lands is required.

3) Design proposals will include a general map of the sim layout including where major buildings and features will be located.

4) Submissions will be made to each member of the Representative Assembly (RA), by notecard, accompanied by any supportive documentation or models.

5) The proposal deadlines for submission will be no later than April 29, 2012.

Anna Toussaint
Mean Girl
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